5 IUI Severe Weather Policy
Severe Thunderstorm / Tornado Watch | Severe thunderstorms are possible, continue normal activities and monitor the situationÂ
Severe Thunderstorm Warning | Severe thunderstorms are occurring
- Keep people indoors and away from windows until the severe storm passes. If you are outside, seek shelter immediately
- Report injuries and damage on campus to the IUPD Indianapolis at 911 from a campus phone or 217-274-7911 from a non campus phone. Notify your departmental administrative office
Tornado Warning | An actual tornado has been identified in the area by spotters and/or radar
- If in the warning area, seek shelter immediately. Stay away from windows and exterior doors. Basements, interior hallways on the lower floors and small interior rooms on the lower floors offer the best shelter
- The nearest shelter is located in CL147
- Do not open windows; this can increase damage to the building
- Report injuries and damage to the IUPD Indianapolis at 911 from a campus phone or 317-274-7911 from a non campus phone. Also notify campus facilities services of damage at 317-278-1900 and your departmental administrative office
- If in a vehicle, get out and seek shelter in a sturdy building. If a building is not available, lying flat in a depression such as a ditch or ravine offers some protection
Thunder and LightningÂ
- If you hear thunder less than 30 seconds after seeing a flash of lightning, seek safe shelter immediately. Suspend activities until the all clear is given after 30 minutes without thunder and lightning
Winter WeatherÂ
- Winter storms (snow, sleet, freezing rain, extreme cold) can quickly affect vehicular and pedestrian travel across campus. CFS Grounds will attempt to pre treat ground surfaces to the best of their ability and remove snow and ice following winder storms.
- Report dangerously slick ground surfaces or blocked building entrances to CFS at 317-278-1900
- Report frozen/broken water lines to CFS at 317-278-1900. If a broken water line poses a life safety concern, contact IUPD Indianapolis at 911 from a campus phone or 317-274-7911 from a non campus phone
Weather Sirens
- Marion County operates tornado sirens which are tested the first Friday of every month at 11 AM. Upon hearing the siren for a weather emergency, follow the steps above for a tornado warning.