12 IUI Student Health Services
IUI Campus Health Center
The Student Health Center, primary care clinic serving IUI student population, is located at Lockefield Village, 980 Indiana Ave, 1st floor. Campus Health also has a clinic in the Campus Center.
Health services are available to Imaging students on a fee for service basis.
IUPUI Student Health Center
Lockefield Village, 980 Indiana Ave, 1st floor
Indianapolis, IN 46202
tel.: 317-274-8214
Web: https://health.iupui.edu
Student Injuries and Treatment
If a student is injured during an educational activity the injury must be reported. If the injury occurred on IU property an IU incident report must be filed. If the injury occurred at an affiliated hospital, that hospital’s reporting procedures should be followed. Copies of all reports are to be filed in the student’s program folder in the RISP offices. If treatment of the injury is required, the student should go to SEHS if on campus or to the emergency room of the hospital where the injury occurred. STUDENTS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE COST OF TREATMENT.