
Book Title: The Chemistry of Shoe Game: Using Sneaker Culture to Teach Science Technology Engineering Art and Mathematics (STEAM)

Authors: Jakyra Simpson and Ky the Chemist

Cover image for The Chemistry of Shoe Game: Using Sneaker Culture to Teach Science Technology Engineering Art and Mathematics (STEAM)

Book Description: The Chemistry of Shoe Game: Using Sneaker Culture to Teach Science Technology Engineering Art and Mathematics (STEAM) contains an introduction to sneaker culture and highlighting it as a method for teaching STEAM education within both formal and informal learning environments.

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Book Information

Book Description

The Chemistry of Shoe Game: Using Sneaker Culture to Teach Science Technology Engineering Art and Mathematics (STEAM) contains an introduction to using sneaker culture as a method for teaching within informal learning environments. When you look at the statistics of the amount of underrepresented, underserved, and marginalized students pursuing STEM degrees. As it’s been said, “The Math ain’t Mathin’,” and there is, therefore, a need to incorporate new teaching styles (pedagogies) that are inclusive and culturally relevant. Previously referred to as Underrepresented Minorities (URMs), Persons Excluded Ethnically by Racial groups (PEERs) make up the lowest percentage of the STEM field. Sneaker culture, aka “Shoe game,” is an influential and extensive cultural focus amongst the PEERs community. Shoe game refers to footwear, specifically sneakers, and its impacts on fashion, athletics, and musical trends. This book introduces uses sneaker culture as a way to teach STEAM as an innovative and creative approach.


Jakyra Simpson and Ky the Chemist




The Chemistry of Shoe Game: Using Sneaker Culture to Teach Science Technology Engineering Art and Mathematics (STEAM)
Jakyra Simpson and Ky the Chemist
Megan McCool
Ayanna Culmer-Gilbert
Primary Subject
Additional Subject(s)
Chemistry, Education, Philosophy and theory of education, Moral and social purpose of education, Higher education, tertiary education, Open learning, distance education, Curriculum planning and development, Traditional trades, crafts and skills