
Study diagnostic

If you’re not satisfied with the outcomes of your studying, work through the flowchart below to identify where you might be able to improve your approach. This diagram will direct you to specific chapters of the text, Ace that Test, for guidance on how to address the given aspect. Ace that Test: A Student’s Guide to Learning Better was written by cognitive psychologists committed to helping all college students learn more effectively. You can access the text online through the IU library for free or you can buy a print copy from the publisher.

If you prefer, you can download a pdf of the Study diagnostic.

Did you make it through the end of the study diagnostic and are still looking for other ways to make your study efforts more effective? The graphic below provides a set of study strategies of which there is much evidence in support of their effectiveness.


IUSO Learning Toolkit Copyright © by Dr. Andi Strackeljahn. All Rights Reserved.