Rate Submission Requirements
This portion of the book is focused on providing standards, policies, and resources surrounding rate submission requirements and billing procedures for recharge and service centers within Indiana University.

Here, readers will find valuable information on how these centers adhere to standards and regulations when offering goods or services to other departments within the university. This framework aims to enhance understanding of the processes involved in maintain compliance and ensuring transparency in financial transactions within the university setting. Understanding recharge and service center rate submission requirements is crucial due to the potential impact on federal and non-federal audits of sponsored programs. IU, as a recipient of federal funding, is obligated to adhere to Uniform Guidance. This guidance mandates that recharge centers charge based on actual usage using nondiscriminatory rates, ensuring that these rates only recover the actual costs of the goods or services provided. Review this portion of the book for guidance on how to properly bill recharge rates within KFS. IB and SB documents are the documents required for the recording of income and corresponding expense for any billings of goods or services between university accounts that exceed annual revenues of $100,000 within KFS. This portion of the book contains general information, requirements, and best practices associated with the internal and service billing documents. Noncompliance with Uniform Guidance could result in audit findings, negatively affect future award proposals, restrict federal cost reimbursement, and necessitate repayments or fines to the granting agency. Therefore, a clear understanding of these requirements is essential to maintain compliance and financial integrity within IU.
Review the below policies related to rate submission requirements:
Review the below standards related to rate submission requirements:

- UCO-RSC-1.00: Rate Submission Requirements for Recharge and Service Centers
- UCO-RSC-1.01: Internal and Service Billing Documents
There are no checklists related to this portion of the book at this time. Please check back in the future!
There are no training materials related to this portion of the book at this time. Please check back in the future!

Review the below other materials related to rate submission requirements:
- Reference Document: Reporting Requirements for Accounts with Internal Activity Decision Tree
- Reference Document: Providing Goods or Services to Other IU Accounts Flow Chart
- Instructions: Rate Setting Template Instructions
- Template: Rate Setting Template
- Reference Document: Service Billing (SB) Requirements and Agreements
- Reference Document: Recharge Rate Financial Processing Documents Import Template and Request Form List
- Reference Document: Accounting Terminology
IU Financial system reports and procedures
Review the below IU financial system reports and procedures related to rate submission requirements: