Book Title: Resources for Teaching: Inspiration and Sources from IUPUI and Beyond
Subtitle: Inspiration and Sources from IUPUI and Beyond

Book Description: This book is a compilation of resources gathered from Centers and faculty across campus, as well as online sources.
Book Information
Book Description
The onset of the COVID 19 pandemic in the spring of 2019 prompted a rapid pivot to online teaching for all faculty. Teaching centers like IUPUIās Center for Teaching and Learning enhanced existing resources and created new ones to help faculty meet the challenges. Facebook groups like Pandemic Pedagogy proliferated where faculty to go to share experiences and seek help. Even as we reach a new normal, it is doubtful that the teaching landscape will return to pre-pandemic times. This book was created as a way to help IUPUI faculty find the resources they are looking for quickly and easily, offering a one stop shopping experience to help direct faculty to the types of resources they are seeking.
To the extent possible under law, Rachel Wheeler has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Resources for Teaching: Inspiration and Sources from IUPUI and Beyond, except where otherwise noted.
Teaching skills and techniques