
2 Canvas Studio: Design Elements (IUPUI)

What is Canvas Studio?

Canvas Studio is great for importing Canvas Page templates, icons, banners, and design elements to create Canvas Pages, and assignments with a more professional look.

The link below will take you to the Canvas Studio IU Expand website. When you “enroll” in the Expand course, it will show up in your Canvas dashboard, thus providing easy access to the design elements.

In their own words: “What will you create today? The Canvas Studio is a resource filled with templates, ideas, and pro tips for creating online Canvas courses. It is designed to provide you with a repertoire of thoughtful recommendations, customizable components, and usable examples to get your Canvas course started—or to enhance an existing Canvas course.”



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To the extent possible under law, Rachel Wheeler has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Resources for Teaching: Inspiration and Sources from IUPUI and Beyond, except where otherwise noted.