
RT Impact: Indiana University

Addressing Indiana’s toughest challenges

IU’s Grand Challenges Program

IU’s Grand Challenges Program is a bold commitment to address the issues that impact Indiana and the world. The challenges are split into three categories: the Precision Health Initiative, Prepared for Environmental Change, and Responding to the Addiction Crisis. As these large-scale programs and projects ramp up in size and scope, RT remains committed to providing support to the IU Grand Challenges Program and stands ready to assist with the high performance computing needs that might arise.

REDCap OBGYN screening

The Hoosier Moms study is part of IU’s Precision Health Initiative Grand Challenges Program, led by the IU School of Medicine. The study, with more than 13,000 data entries, aims to improve understanding of possible genetic links between gestational diabetes and Type 2 diabetes. Flexible and accurate data management, supported by Indiana University’s research survey tool, REDCap, keeps the Hoosier Moms study on track, whether a mom-to-be chooses to join the genetics-based study when she is 8 weeks or 18 weeks along in her pregnancy.

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RT has been a significant contributor to IU Grand Challenge projects, specifically providing dedicated storage and shared computational resources to the Precision Health Initiative and the Prepared for Environmental Change projects (using Slate-Project storage, the Scholarly Data Archive, Big Red II+/Big Red 3, and Carbonate systems).


IU Research Technologies: Impacts Annual Report FY2021 Copyright © by Indiana University Research Technologies. All Rights Reserved.

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