
RT Impact: The state

Scan your world, share your world


Efforts by the IU3D team to digitize buildings and spaces on campus enabled prospective students and their parents to explore IU campuses, even when they weren’t able to visit in person.

Take a tour of the IU South Bend Civil Rights Heritage Center, visit go.iu.edu/3XmF

“Support from the IU RT team allowed our space to continue thriving by welcoming people virtually where they could not safely come physically. It has been an incredibly useful tool not only for the South Bend community, but communities around the world who now have an opportunity to see and learn from this space like never before.” – George Garner, assistant director and curator, Civil Rights Heritage Center, IU South Bend

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RT’s IU3D team uses a tool called Matterport to capture cultural heritage spaces in order to provide virtual access to the space and to preserve changing exhibits.

“The [IU3D] team created a meaningful and exceptional experience for patrons who visit the Black Cultural Center virtually. The tour offers an intriguing glimpse into the cultural landscape of Purdue. This is an innovative way for the exploration of African American history and exposure to the BCC library and art exhibitions.” – Renee Thomas, director, Purdue Black Cultural Center

“These captures of physical spaces are certainly important in the midst of a global pandemic, [but] their utility extends beyond this particular moment, offering access to inaccessible spaces for people with disabilities by recreating the physical space and the flow through that space.” – Tassie Gniady, project manager, IU3D

Read more: IT News & Events


IU Research Technologies: Impacts Annual Report FY2021 Copyright © by Indiana University Research Technologies. All Rights Reserved.

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