
RT Impact: The nation

Supporting the humanities, arts, and social sciences


Aiming to inform both music education researchers and policy makers, Peter Miksza, a professor at the IU Jacobs School of Music, used Jetstream to analyze and host plain-language versions of dense federal data related to music education in the U.S, which has become a resource for both teachers and advocates in the field.

“Jetstream is easy and accessible for sure, but the technical support has been great. Being able to work with the RT [and Jetstream] team has made this much easier. I have just enough skills to make the right file transfers. And with Jetstream, that’s all I need.” – Peter Miksza, Indiana University Jacobs School of Music

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The Distant Reader gateway supplements the traditional reading process by allowing researchers to make sense of a large body of text when there’s too much to process. The Distant Reader uses a dynamic virtual cluster deployed on the Jetstream cloud as well as services like SciGap, Apache Airavata, and OpenStack, supported by PTI Cyberinfrastructure Integration Research Center (CIRC) and RT. The Distant Reader can be helpful to researchers and students in various scholarly situations, from scientists doing a literature review to undergraduates who want a “big picture” understanding of an entire semester’s readings.

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In the COVID-19 era, the IU-led Jetstream cloud system helps researchers determine the relationship between disease and social discord by analyzing data in 48 African countries from 1990 to 2017, found in two datasets: social unrest information from the Social Conflict Analysis Database, and epidemic information in the International Disaster Database.

“The results of this analysis will play an important role in understanding the relationship between communicable diseases and social unrest events in the wake of the COVID-19 global pandemic.” – Rebecca Cordell, Ph.D., University
of Texas at Dallas

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IU Research Technologies: Impacts Annual Report FY2021 Copyright © by Indiana University Research Technologies. All Rights Reserved.

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