
The first year of the IU student mental health strategic plan implementation has resulted in expanded access to scheduled counseling, psychiatric services, and 24/7 crisis care on all IU campuses. The implementation of TimelyCare is a major step toward ensuring that all IU students, including online students, are afforded equitable mental health resources across the state. In addition, the student mental health website now provides a central location for all IU community members to locate and explore services that address all aspects of a student’s wellbeing, including access to basic needs like food and housing. Training resources from Care Cards to mental health first aid training are now widely available to empower faculty and staff to assist students in need and strengthen IU’s culture of care. The Unboxed campaign is visible across all IU campuses to encourage students to open up about mental health and to help find the mental health resources they need.

There is much work yet to be done. In the coming years, OCHO will expand and increase its efforts to address the mental health needs of populations including international students, students of color, and young men. The data collected from surveys will inform decisions to ensure the effective allocation of resources. And, as part of VPSS, OCHO will seek to expand resources by engaging donors and foundations. IU is poised to be a leader in the realm of student mental health among academic institutions, and OCHO looks forward to continuing implementation of the mental health strategic plan to create a university environment that is inclusive and respectful to all.


Progress Report 2023: Year One of the Student Mental Health Initiative Copyright © 2023 by Catherine Dyar and Aaron Carroll. All Rights Reserved.

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