3 Policies and Protocols Progress

Policies and Protocols recommended actions designed to create equity for all students across all campuses including a concise medical leave of absence policy, streamlined care resources, training in mental health first aid, and addressing graduate student needs.

RECOMMENDATION 1: Create or improve policies to accommodate mental health leaves and how students will continue to be supported in all ways, including academically, when such leaves are necessary.


  • OCHO and VPSS consulted with the Jed Foundation for assistance with drafting withdrawal and reentry policies for leaves related to mental health. This work is ongoing.
  • OCHO worked with IU Communications and Marketing to ensure that the university-wide student mental health site is found easily through a google search, so that no matter which campus a student is affiliated, they can easily find the resources they need.
  • An “infrastructure of care” has been created on all IU campuses through:
    • Expanded access to mental health first aid training.
    • Wide distribution of Care Cards to faculty and staff.
    • Funding a pilot resource coordinator position at IU Kokomo.
    • Communication designed to raise awareness of mental health resources through the Unboxed campaign.
    • Uniform adoption of “Accessible Educational Services Office” to replace the former disability services offices.

RECOMMENDATION 2: Create or improve solutions to help students address the financial barriers to getting help.


  • TimelyCare now offers virtual 24/7 support, scheduled counseling, health coaching, and other services at no cost for students.
  • VPSS and OCHO are exploring the feasibility of IU offering a health insurance plan for students.

RECOMMENDATION 3: Review policies for financial aid, tuition, and other funding-related areas, as these are sources of distress for many students, especially graduate students.


  • The task force on graduate education at IU Bloomington effected the following changes for graduate students on the Bloomington campus:
    • Increase in minimum student academic appointee (SAA) stipends
    • Coverage of mandatory fees.
    • Waiver of the international student fee and G901 fees for all SAAs.
    • Continuation of health insurance for SAAs on medical or parental leave.
  • VPSS is exploring ways to make sources of financial aid, including emergency aid, more transparent and easier to navigate for students.
  • MoneySmarts is available to all IU students, including graduate students and first-generation college students; the MoneySmarts program is looking to increase awareness and usage, especially on the regional campuses.

RECOMMENDATION 4: Review other policies that touch on mental health, such as financial aid, food security, housing security, and more, and update them as necessary.


  • VPSS and OCHO are exploring instituting regular wellness check-ins through advising appointments and other means.
  • OCHO and its VPSS colleagues are reviewing IU’s response to students’ basic needs (food, housing, etc.) to ensure that students have what they need to flourish and thrive during college.

RECOMMENDATION 5: Recommend additional training for police and other emergency responders in dealing with mental health issues, or on how to refer them to triage.


  • Each campus has a care team or behavioral intervention team composed of student affairs professionals and health and safety officers.
  • IU Bloomington Police Department employs a full-time social worker who assists officers in handling incidents with sensitivity to mental health concerns.
  • OCHO has created additional capacity for offering Mental Health First Aid training all campuses.

RECOMMENDATION 6: Create or improve plans for mental health support after local, national, or international tragedies that may affect our students.


  • Representatives from OCHO serve on the university-wide Incident Management Team, which monitors response to sensitive situations on all IU campuses and advocates for mental health resources in the wake of traumatic events.



Progress Report 2023: Year One of the Student Mental Health Initiative Copyright © 2023 by Catherine Dyar and Aaron Carroll. All Rights Reserved.

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