
6 PDF Basics

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Key Takeaways

  • Documents are easier to make accessible if they’re created that way from the beginning.
  • Make sure the document is accessible in Word before converting to PDF.
  • If you make changes to the document, you’ll need to go through this process again.
  • Once the PDF is created, you can upload it to many platforms and make it available through link download or iFrame.


When formatted correctly, PDFs are one of the most accessible options available for stand-alone documents. This guide explains how to create and export an accessible document to PDF.

Note that some content can’t be presented accessibly in PDF form, regardless of document formatting. This includes:

  • Math expressions

Step 1: Create Accessible Word Document

A document must be formatted accessibly in Word before it can be saved as PDF. For detailed instructions, see:

In particular, look out for these common errors (solutions can be found in the KB doc above):

  • Important images missing alt text (apply alt text to images that convey information)
  • Sections are titled with bold, italic, and/or underlined text (use headings instead)
  • Lists are formatted using hand-written numbers (use the built-in list tools)
  • Links written out as the full web link (should be a link with descriptive text instead)
  • Tables are missing any of the following:
    • Captions
    • Header cells for each column
  • Tables contain any of the following:
    • Empty cells (without placeholder text in white)
    • Cells that are misaligned from the rest of the table
    • Cells that span more than one column or row

When you’re done, run the accessibility checker in Microsoft Word (IU Knowledge Base) to check for errors.

Step 2: Convert Word Doc to Accessible PDF

Create the PDF

Once the Word document passes the accessibility check, it’s ready to be converted to PDF.

  1. In Word, go to File > Export > Create PDF/XPS.
  2. Name the file with a distinctive, clear name. Recommended information to include:
    • Course name, number, and term (if applicable)
    • The document’s purpose, such as “Course Syllabus”, “Module 3 Homework 2”, “Reading”, etc.
    • The name of the document, if it is distinctive (such as the title of a reading excerpt from a publication or larger work)
  3. Save the document.

Name the PDF Accessibly

NOTE: You will need the full version of the PDF viewer (Adobe Acrobat Pro DC) to complete this step. You can download Acrobat DC from IUWare through Adobe Creative Cloud.

  1. Once saved, the document may open automatically. If it doesn’t, open it in Adobe Acrobat Reader.
  2. Go to Files > Properties.
  3. In the Title checkbox, write a distinctive, clear name for the PDF. Use the same criteria from Create the PDF, but eliminate any dashes, underscores, etc. that you may have put in the file name. This name will appear to learners when the document is opened in their web browser.
  4. Switch to the Initial View Tab.
  5. Under Window Options, find a dropdown called Show. Select the option Document Title. This will make sure your new title will display to learners.
  6. Select “OK” to save.

Run Accessibility Checker

NOTE: You will need the full version of the PDF viewer (Adobe Acrobat Pro DC) to complete this step. You can download Acrobat DC from IUWare through Adobe Creative Cloud.

  1. In the toolbar to the right of your document, select Accessibility. (If you have not done this before, you may have to select More Tools, find Accessibility, and click Add to make it available on the toolbar.)
  2. Select Accessibility Check or Full Check (depending on program version).
  3. In the Accessibility Checker Options panel that appears:
    • Uncheck create accessibility report
    • Uncheck attach report to document
  4. Select the Start Checking button.
  5. The results of the check should appear next to your document. Fix any items that failed. Do NOT use any automatic fixing options. Key things to look for are:
    • Important images have alt text
    • Table cells aren’t empty
    • Tables do not have cells that are misaligned with rest of table
    • Tables do not have cells that span more than one row or column

Check Reading Order

One item that is always flagged for a manual check is the reading order.

  1. Click on your document to make sure it is in focus.
  2. Press the Tab key to move through the document.
    • If items are highlighted in the order they appear, then the reading order is correct.
    • If you find yourself jumping around in the document out of order, the reading order needs to be fixed.

Check Color Contrast

Another item that is usually flagged for a manual check is color contrast. To make sure your document has appropriate contrast:

  • Do not use color alone to convey meaning. Use built-in formatting like headings, bold, and italic text instead.
  • Use primarily black text on a white background.
    • If you use color as a decoration (not to convey meaning), test the color contrast using a tool such as the WebAIM Contrast Checker. Your contrast must pass at least AA standards.
  • Check images for sufficient color contrast. Discuss with your local graphics team and accessibility expert if you are unsure if an image has proper contrast.

If your document passes the above checks, it’s ready to used! It can be uploaded as a document to most platforms and linked to directly, or presented as an iFrame on a web page.

How to Add a PDF to an iFrame (Optional)

This method is used in edX to show PDFs directly in a web page. This method can also be used in most platforms that allow you to edit HTML.

Upload Your PDF

Upload your PDF to the platform you’re using or to cloud storage like Google Drive or Microsoft OneDrive. Make sure the link can be copied and has the correct permissions for others to view it before continuing.

Add Template Code

  1. On the page where you want the iFrame to appear, open the HTML editor.
  2. Copy and paste the following template code to create a heading and an empty iFrame:

<p><iframe title="DESCRIPTIVE TEXT GOES HERE" src="PDF_URL_HERE" width="100%" height="1000" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe></p>

It’s a good idea to save your work before moving on to the next step.

Add Descriptive Text

  1. Where the code says HEADING GOES HERE, write a heading that clearly defines the contents of the PDF. You may need to change the heading number in the HTML tags to match the heading order on your page.
    • Some examples of good titles include “Course Syllabus”, “Scientific Journal Publication”, or simply the document title.
  2. Where the code says DESCRIPTIVE TEXT GOES HERE, write a brief description of the contents of the PDF. This explains to screen reader users what the document is before they start navigating it.
    • Make sure the description mentions that the document is a PDF. iFrames can include a lot of different media, so it’s important to describe what a user will be navigating.
    • Some examples of good descriptions include “PDF of course syllabus”, “PDF of scientific journal”, “PDF of [news article name]”.

Add PDF to iFrame

  1. Copy the URL of the PDF where it is stored.
  2. In the HTML editor where the iFrame will appear, paste the link you just copied where the code says PDF_URL_HERE.
  3. Select Save in the HTML editor.
  4. Check the syllabus is correct by viewing it, preferably in preview mode if one is available. A correct iFrame should:
    1. Appear on a web page with its own heading.
    2. Show a PDF document.
    3. Have the correct title and contents.


Accessibility and UDL Best Practices Guide Copyright © by Caitlin Malone. All Rights Reserved.

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