Other Related Materials
Click to review the below other materials related to compensation:
Kuali Time Complete User Guide
Click the above link to download a document outlining Kuali Time including an overview of Kuali Time, the different user roles, employee options for clocking in and out, approver roles and options, and administrator roles and options within Kuali Time.
Human Resources Management Payroll System Voucher Frequently Asked Questions
Click the above link to download a document that answers several frequently asked questions surrounding payroll vouchers.
Human Resources Management Payroll System Paygroup List
Click the above link to download an Excel document that lists the IU paygroup chart with all paygroup categories included.
Labor Object Codes and Rates
Click the above link to download a document that lists all labor distribution object codes, the historical fringe benefit rates, along descriptions for each labor object code.
Local Tax Codes
Click the above link to download a document that lists all locality and county tax code options.
Master Earn Code List
Click the above link to download a document that lists all the earn code options including a description of the earn code, the usage instructions, and details such as the amount and voucher ppgs.
Vacation and PTO Accrual Chart
Click the above link to download an Excel document that lists the vacation terminal hours and vacation accrual hours per pay period for employees based on years worked.
Payroll Accrual Information
Click the above link to download a document that provides a breakdown of the reasoning payroll is accrued, how to properly view payroll accruals, and how to enter payroll accruals at Indiana University.
Adjustment Voucher Guide
Click the above link to download a document with detailed instructions on how to process an electronic adjustment voucher within the HRMS Payroll module. This guide goes over the steps for processing an adjustment voucher, how to review an adjustment vouchers status, how to confirm an adjustment voucher was input within the system, and the guide provides detailed examples of situations that would require an adjustment voucher.
Fringe Benefits Information
Click the above link to navigate to the Office of the University Controller website for information about how fringe benefits, such as the IU tuition benefit or out-of-pocket reimbursements, impact employee pay.
Employee Compensation Taxes Information
Click the above link to navigate to the Office of the University Controller website for information related to employee compensation tax forms, such as the W-2 or 1042-S, as well as federal and state withholding requirements and procedures.