

Click to review the below policy related to other expenses:

FIN-ACC-70: Payments for Memberships in Social Organizations

Click the above link to review the Indiana University policy on payment for memberships in social organizations. This policy is in place to establish the rules for paying memberships in social organizations. OMB Circular A-21 specifically disallows these types of expenses as a direct or indirect cost charged to grants and contracts. Review this policy for information about the scope of the impact of this policy at IU, to read the official policy statement, the reasoning for the policy, a definition of a social organization, and for the history of this policy.

FIN-ACC-350: Accrual Accounting

Click the above link to review the Indiana University policy on accrual accounting. This policy outlines accrual accounting, how this impacts departments at Indiana University, and clarifies which method of accounting is required by the AICPA Audit Guide.


Accounting for Expenses and Payments Copyright © by The Trustees of Indiana University. All Rights Reserved.

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