Other Related Materials

Click to review the below other materials related to APIs and other subsidiary systems:

APIs and System Integrations UCO System Support Information

The Office of the University Controller oversees certain technical components of several Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) and third-party applications that facilitate Indiana University’s compliance with accounting, payroll, and tax reporting requirements. The above link contains an overview about APIs and integrations, examples of current APIs and integrations UCO manages, how UCO supports APIs and system integrations, and provides resources for requesting a new API or system integration.

APIs and System Integrations Definitions

Click on the above link to download a document defining terms related to APIs and system integrations. This document provides an overview of several current enterprise systems and modules as well. UCO recommends each unit review this document in full prior to submitted a new API or system integration request as this document helps provide general information related to APIs and outlines the systems that could potentially be impacted by the addition of an API or system integration.

New API and System Integration Request Form

Click the above link to submit a request to the Office of the University Controller (UCO) for a connection between external applications and IU system(s).


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