2.1. Why “amend”?
Learning Objectives
- Describe why it’s important to amend information about students with their feedback.
- Compose questions that respond responsibly to learning analytics trends in a course, and that would be most likely to garner student honest and useful student responses.
- Identify survey tools that would allow students to anonymously respond to appropriate questions about a course trend.
Often different behaviors can look very similar online, or they may emerge for a variety of reasons. For example:
- A student refreshing a page every couple of minutes to overcome a technical issue may look like vigorous re-reading within Engage
- A student may stop watching a video because they perceive that the content doesn’t relate to the upcoming exam, or because the video is long and they don’t have the time to finish it
- A student may skip sections of a reading because they’re struggling to understand the content, or because they’re overwhelmed with other coursework
The information you reviewed in the first section of this site is only one piece of a puzzle, but that doesn’t make it any less valuable. Asking students questions about their behavior — making sure that you’ve interpreted it correctly — ensures that you’re providing them the right help when they need it.