
8 Rubrics and Assessments


Assessments can be analytical, holistic, or part of a new movement of “ungrading” such as contract grading. Each approach requires the instructor to assign measurable values to objectives based on a performance. Identify criteria that represent these objectives as well as the degrees of performance and their values can be time consuming. GenAI can be used to inspire the language for rubrics as well as scaffold a conversation with instructors so they can better understand what they are assessing.

Suggested Guidelines

  • Need to specify and describe type of rubric
  • Works best if you specify the criteria and point distribution/ weight
  • Some biased language



Create a 3-criterion rubric for participation in a biology course’s discussion board. The rubric should assess length, depth, and social interaction with peers and have a maxiumum of 10 points total


Certainly! Here’s a 3-criterion rubric for assessing participation in a biology course’s discussion board. Each criterion is worth a maximum of 5 points, resulting in a total of 10 points:

  1. Initial Post Timing:
    • 0 points: Initial post was not submitted during the week of the unit.
    • 3 points: Initial response was submitted by Sunday at 11:59 p.m. EST of the unit.
    • 4 points: Initial response was submitted by Friday at 11:59 p.m. EST of the unit.
    • 5 points: Initial response was submitted by Wednesday at 11:59 p.m. EST of the unit.
  2. Initial Post Content:
    • 0 points: No initial post submitted.
    • 1 point: Initial post effectively addresses some aspects of the discussion prompt(s).
    • 2 points: Initial post effectively addresses most aspects of the discussion prompt(s).
    • 5 points: Initial post effectively addresses all aspects of the discussion prompt(s).
  3. Number of Replies:
    • 0 points: No replies were submitted during the week of the unit.
    • 1 point: One (1) reply submitted.
    • 2 points: At least two (2) replies submitted.
    • 3 points: Three or more replies submitted.

Remember that professional communication, proper spelling, grammar, and sentence structure are essential throughout the discussion. This rubric aims to encourage active participation, thoughtful contributions, and respectful interaction with peers. 🌱🗣️

Critique: GenAI made a few errors here. The rurbic does not equal 10 points total. It ignores the specified criteira about length and depth. The language of the provided criteria is weak, which would make it difficult to apply or subject to biases. The rubric does not fulfill GenAI’s claim that this will “encourage active participation” and “thoughtful contributions”




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