
Section III: Instructional Design Use Cases

Instructional design tasks encompasses the planning, building, and review of a course. This includes steps such as outlining curricula, leveraging learning technologies, writing HTML, and interpreting SME wants and needs. This section will explore using AI to apply best design practices as well as inspire accessible and engaging materials. How might AI assist in this design process? Consider the scenarios below.

Design Scenario 1

You are working from a course where the SME wants an overhaul– writing stronger objectives, incorporating Delphinium, and adding more visual support on pages. You decide to mockup a module, but you don’t have any content to work with.

How Can GenAI Help?
  • Provide a link to the textbook chapter and ask GenAI to write some objectives
  • Have GenAI write up a summary of a chapter to use as material
  • Ask GenAI to summarize the pros and cons of gamification
  • Ask GenAI to gather resources on Delphinium and gamification
  • Use Adobe AI to generate some example icons

Design Scenario 2

An instructor has made an appointment with the ID Clinic for support with InScribe. They want to use this tool, but they are not sure how. How is InScribe different from Canvas Discussion Boards? How do you embed an InScribe widget? What type of posts works best on InScribe? You aren’t too familiar with the tool yourself, and they only booked a 30 minute session to answer all these questions.

How Can GenAI Help?
  • Ask GenAI to collect a list of resources on InScribe
  • Ask GenAI to write a job aid/ instructions on embedding a widget
  • Ask GenAI to brainstorm possible discussion prompts best suited for a social-media style platform


The GenAI Cookbook: GenAI Recipes for eLearning Design and Services Copyright © by Emilie Schiess; Tori Abram-Peterson; and Dalton Gilo. All Rights Reserved.