
Section V: Graphic Design Use Cases

Graphic Designers can use AI in many ways. AI can generate multiple, templates, banners or logo variations. By using a single sketch, these graphics quickly can vary in colors, shapes, or layouts. This approach speeds up the design process, allowing designers to explore and share various options efficiently with their team and clients. Consider the following scenario.

Graphic Designer Scenario

You are working a course that focuses heavily on medicine, anatomy, and biology. The instructors want simplified version of images related to cells, but they also want images to be fun and engaging. Additionally, the instructors would like to create a “brand” for the course- a distinct set of icons, banners, and color scheme.

How Can GenAI Help?
  • Ask GenAI to develop both realistic looking and more artistic interpretations of the same concept to present to the SME
  • Use AdobeAI to recolor a set of images based on phrases used by the instructors (e.g., “cheery and fresh”)
  • Ask GenAI to create some characters based on various concepts in the course
  • Ask GenAI to create placeholder images


The GenAI Cookbook: GenAI Recipes for eLearning Design and Services Copyright © by Emilie Schiess; Tori Abram-Peterson; and Dalton Gilo. All Rights Reserved.