
5 FIRST YEAR-Explore More Possibilities: Develop Professional Skills



Most students choose to attend college for the education and learning that takes place inside the classroom.  However, in order to maximize the degree that you’ve worked so hard for, you must you consider developing professional skills alongside your book learning. This will help you translate what you’ve learned into the world of work–and land a job!


How can you develop professional skills?

Check out the career readiness webpage to  develop and maximize your career readiness skills!

Meet with your coach to learn about how to get career experience.  Developing some professional experience now will make you better candidate down the road helping you land competitive internships and full-time jobs after graduation.

Things you can do over the course of the next four to gain career experience can include:



You can also ask your career coach to help you develop the following professional products, tools, and experiences, that can be critical to the first-year experience:

  • A professional resume.

    A resume is your professional calling card that highlights your experiences and skillsets.  It is often required when applying to jobs or internships. Write a draft of your resume and review it with your career coach.  Follow this  resume guide if you need help getting started!


  • Create your LinkedIn profile.

    Learn how LinkedIn can help you find IU alumni.  IU Alumni are wonderful people for you to do informational interviews with. LinkedIn will help you find professionals and IU alumni  in career fields of interest to you.  Your career coach can help you use LinkedIn.  Learn how to polish your LinkedIn profile!


  • Join clubs, associations, or on-campus activities for leadership development.

    BeInvolved is an online list of hundreds of clubs/organizations to join here at IU. There is something for everyone!


  • Develop good study and time management skills.

    This is a often overlooked as a career development skill, but internships often have GPA minimum requirements, so starting off with a strong GPA your first year can be critical for keeping your options open. If you need support with this, contact the Academic Support Center (ASC), for mentoring, support, & tips!


  • Identify and apply for a part-time job. 

    Did you know students who work ~10 hours each week actually have higher GPA’s on average?  Jobs help with time-management!

    • Talk with your career coach to learn about on-campus and off-campus jobs
    • Ask Student Central if you qualify for work-study jobs (this is part of your financial aid package)
    • Go to the Fall Part-Time Job Fair (first Friday before classes start in the Fall)


Read!  Tips for Success in the Workplace article from the Asperger/Autism Network



Career Map for Students on the Spectrum Copyright © 2023 by IU Board of Trustees. All Rights Reserved.