16 Cardinality
We have mentioned in a previous section, the concept of infinite sets, and one might think that this means that the size is also infinite but that is where cardinality comes in. Cardinality is what we refer to when trying to define the size of an infinite set. we can also use cardinality to count the size of a finite set as well. When we consider the size of a set we aren’t thinking of big or little, we consider size by the count of how many elements are in the set. The elements are defined by the set, this means they can be natural, rational, integers, or real numbers.
Some might think “why does cardinality of an infinite or finite set matter?” what mathematicians say to this is cardinality allows us to compare sets and define relations between sets. To give a real world example cardinality is extremely important to the data modeling used in businesses, and without knowing how to determine cardinality we would be unable to create data models in the real world and for that matter be able to analyze any data brought in.
Lets now consider the cardinality for finite and infinite sets in greater detail by addressing them individually.
14.1 Finite Sets
We already know that cardinality means the size of a set and if a set is finite then the size of the set is just the number of elements in the set which can, tediously, be counted by hand. We can denote the cardinality of a set by for some
, given set
. For example if
then we can say
. The other option is if a set
is empty then cardinality will be 0 because there are no elements in
. Instead of a formal definition for cardinality we will introduce the properties of a finite set in terms of cardinality [23].
Theorem: Fundamental Properties of Finite Sets
Suppose A and B are finite sets.
- Every subset of set
is finite, and has cardinality less than or equal to the cardinality of
is finite, and the cardinality of
is equal to the cardinality of
minus the cardinality of
is finite, and the cardinality of
is equal to the cardinality of
multiplied by the cardinality of
Now recall when we discussed functions and the concepts of one-to-one and onto. There are times where with
the cardinality of the set of
[25]. Now this works very well for finite sets that are a one-to-one correspondence but from our previous section on functions we know not all functions are one-to-one or onto. With this in mind we introduce the pigeon hole principle [25].
Theorem: The Pigeonhole Principle
Let and
be finite sets. if
, then there exists distinct elements
such that
This means for two elements in there is only one element in
. This just goes to show that sets do not need to be equal under a function. We can consider set equality by introducing the definition of equality [30].
Definition. Set Equality
Two sets are equal if, and only if, for all then
Given this definition we can prove that two sets are equal through the use of cardinality. Lets consider the proof below.
True or False: Let and
be finite sets with
, if
True, if then
have the same number of elements. Since we are given that
and we know
is not a proper subset of
and thus
Here we can see that we do not need to prove both and
in order to prove
, we can use cardinality instead. Now it’s important to note that this is only for finite sets since an infinite set can be a subset of another with the same cardinality but that does not mean they are equal. We will look at some examples of this in the next section, Infinite Sets.
14.2 Infinite Sets
We have already explored what cardinality is and how we can apply it to finite sets so lets begin the topic of cardinality for infinite sets by first giving the definition [30].
Let and
be infinite sets. We say that
if there exists an onto function
Using cardinality we can categorize infinite sets as either countable of uncountable sets. If we think about our number families as sets we have sets such as real numbers , rational numbers
, integers
, natural numbers
. We define an infinite set
to be countable if
which means that set
has a one-to-one correspondance with set
, counter to this, if a set
has a cardinality such that
then we say that
is uncountable. Now when a list can be established for the objects to be counted in a set we say the set is enumerable. We have an established definition for both enumerable finite sets and enumerable infinite sets below [30].
A set is finite if and only if the elements of
can be enumerated in a terminating list as
Thus we can say that all finite sets are enumerable [30].
A set is countably infinite if and only if the elements of
can be enumerated in an endless list asĀ
Now not every infinitely countable set is enumerable, if a set has cardinality such that
is what we call denumerable. This may seem a bit all over the place with countability and enumerable and denumerable sets. Lets examine some true or false logic statements to get some clarity.
- If a set
is denumerable, then
is countable. This is true because a denumerable set must be both countable and infinite [20].
- If a set
is not denumerable, then
is uncountable. This is false because
can still be countable even if it is not denumerable. The definition for countable sets states that a set can either be finite or denumerable [20].
- If a set
is enumerable, then
is countable. This is true because a countable set must either be enurmerable or denumerable and all enumerable sets must then be countable.
Let’s now consider one example before we continue on.
Prove that the set is denumerable [20].
Proof: Assume that set then there is a function
. Let
, now if we subtract
from both sides and we find
thus we can say
is one-to-one. Next, let there be
such that for
it follows that
thus we can conclude that
is onto so
is a bijection or one-to-one correspondence which means
is denumerable and
It took some amazing brain power to be able to establish these ideas for sizing infinite sets, we can credit a lot of what we have seen in this section to Georg Cantor who established the idea of uncountable infinites, began to establish the idea that infinite sets can be different sizes and thus qualify some to be considered countable and others as uncountable [33]. Cantor also coined the “Cantor’s set” seen below.
This illustration shows the breakdown of the infinite set within the interval from 0 to 1. This discovery led to Cantor’s Diagonal Argument over the countable nature of the interval . The argument proves that the set of all real numbers on the interval
is uncountable. We can see the argument supporting Cantor’s conclusion here.
Prove that the set is uncountable [20].
Proof: Let the set and assume
is countable such that
has a one-to-one correspondence. We are then able to produce the following sequences.
We can observe that symbolizes a decimal between 0 and 9 that form a real number with a decimal expansion
. The digits are determined by the following rule.
Each expansion is unique and this means that the real number cannot be equal to any decimal expansion. This is because the expansion of
is not the same as the
th term in the decimal expansion
. Therefore there is a real number
that is not included, this contradicts the assumption that
has a one-to-one correspondence. If
had a one to one correspondence then every element in
would map to an
. Since this is not true then not every element between
can be accounted for and thus we must conclude that the set
is uncountable.