30 Primes
There are some numbers that have no proper factors, in other words they are whole numbers greater than one that are not a product of two other whole numbers.
Let be a prime number then there is no
such that
, in other words the only two whole numbers whose product is prime
is 1 and
such that
By this definition for primes we know that any prime number is a number that can only be divided evenly by either itself or 1. Primes are a unique category integers, all other integers are considered composite numbers. It is essential to understand what primes are as they create the foundation for all other integers. As always in mathematics there are different categories for prime numbers. We introduce one below [12].
Definition. Mersenne Primes
Primes of the form where
is prime are known as Mersenne Primes.
Mersenne primes are unique in that the prime must follow the format for which
is another unrelated prime. Consider the prime number 3,5,7 which produce Mersenne primes
, and
respectively. Continuing on the discussion of prime structures we introduce the Fundamental theorem of arithmetic as it applies to prime numbers.
Theorem: The Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic
Let and
be some prime in
. For any
, either
is some prime
or is a product of primes, or can be written as a unique product of prime numbers.
The Fundamental theorem of arithmetic is named so because it is one of the principle theorems surrounding the structure of primes. What this theorem implies is that any integer is either a prime or can be made from primes. This is important because it is a fundamental component of integers. As the study of number theory would suggest we are focusing on the structural components of numbers.
Consider the integers ,
, and
If we look carefully we can write out each integer as follows:
Here our prime numbers in use are and
In this example we can see that if we break down the integers that produce ,
, and
. No matter if the integer is even or odd, they cannot be produced without prime numbers. As well we can see that any combination of primes and composite numbers will produce any other integer.