26 Rings
In the previous sections we looked at sets with one binary operation, in this section we will be looking at sets with two binary operations.
A ring is a set
together with two binary operations + and
, defined on
such that the following axioms are satisfied:
is an abelian group.
- Multiplication is associative
- For all
, the left distributive law,
and the right distributive law
Here we are introduced to two new terms, the left and right distributive laws. These laws are the structural requirements for how two binary operations, addition and multiplication, are applied to the set .
Being Abstract Algebra there is always additional properties to categorize a structure further. We can categorize rings in the following ways:
The Commutative Ring: A ring in which the multiplication is commutative is known as a commutative ring.
Ring with Unity: A ring with the multiplicative identity element 1, which we call “unity” in abstract algebra, is known as a ring with unity [12].
Division Ring: Let element in ring
, with unity, be a unit of
has a multiplicative inverse in
. If every nonzero element of
is a unit, then
is a division ring.
Field: A field is a commutative division ring.
There is little further explanation needed for these different categorizations of rings since we are already familiar with the terms and the algebraic operations that define each. Now we can observe how we might go about finding a ring as well as categorizing it using the above terms.
Decide whether with the usual addition and multiplication are closed on the set, give a ring structure. If a ring is formed, state whether the ring is commutative, has unity, and is a field [12].
- Let
then we have
such that
and thus we can conclude that is closed under addition.
- Let
then we have
such that
Where , thus we can conclude that
is closed under multiplication. Thus we have proven
is closed for addition and multiplication.
Thus we have proven is closed for addition and multiplication. Now consider that
is a ring, we need to satisfy all three axioms for a ring.
is an abelian group under addition and it has been proven that
such that for all
it follows that
thus we conclude that is an abelian group.
- Given
then elements of
are also elements of
and since
is associative then we can conclude that multiplication on ring
is associative.
- Given
then since the right and left distribution laws hold for
then they hold for
Thus we can conclude that is a ring.
Now since is commutative then the multiplication on
is commutative, thus
is a commutative ring.
Let 1 be the identity element in under multiplication such that
and thus
for all
. We can thus conclude that
is a ring with unity 1.
Let then
is a non-zero element of the field
so the inverse
. We can rationalize this as
Since then
and so we can write
for which
Thus is a field.
We should now have a good understanding from the above example, about how to find rings as well as how to prove their commutative, unity, division, and field property. There is so much more to discover about rings in Abstract Algebra, how they apply to polynomials, the concept of sub-rings and how they apply to our next topic, fields. In the next section we will look at fields a bit more and look at some more examples with a stronger focus on fields.
22.1 Fields
We have already given the brief description that a field is a ring which satisfies both the commutative property and the property for division ring. But fields deserve their own formal definition and axioms [12].
Let be a group with two binary operations, + and
, with respect to the following axioms:
- For all k
it follows that
such that
is closed under addition and multiplication.
- For all
it follows that
such that
is associative.
- For all
it follows that
such that both addition and multiplication under
is commutative.
We can see from this definition that a field is a set that satisfies the axioms for a group, as well as satisfying every commutative property so that a field is a commutative ring. Let us now introduce a few structural classifications for fields [12].
Theorem: Field of Quotients of
Any integral domain can be enlarged to a field
such that every element of
can be expressed as a quotient of two elements of
It should be noted from this theorem that every field containing an integral domain
contains a field of quotients of
. This is a similar rule to cyclic subgroups where every group has within it a cyclic subgroup. This comparison tells us there are so many structural similarities and axioms that carry over to different categories that a set may qualify under. We truly can see that Abstract Algebra is all about the study of set structure and the properties that help to classify them. Being able to classify sets helps mathematicians be able to instantly understand the properties of a set depending on whether they are a ring, group, field, subgroup, etc. Just as in rings and groups, fields have underlying structures [12].
For and
, the equations
give well-defined operations of addition and multiplication on
Here, we can see the structure for elements of a set under field multiplication and addition. If we observe the above theorem we see that when we sum equivalence classes and
, which are arbitrary classes in
the axiom states that the sum is equivalent to
. Under each operation never can
or for that matter
. Just as we have seen before throughout our study of mathematics, there are always axioms for binary operations. Fields, as we can see are no different. We can see an example of how we might apply these axioms to a problem, below, to prove that a field
also contains identity elements and inverse elements under addition and multiplication.
Now is by definition
. Also
is by definition
. Prove that
is an identity element for addition in
. Prove
is an additive inverse for
Consider such that
thus we can conclude that is an identity element for addition in
. Now consider
such that
and since then
and if
thus we can conclude that is an additive inverse for
Here we can make out similarities between groups, rings, and fields. Although the structure for addition and multiplication, as it pertains to each category, is formatted specifically for a group, a ring, or a field we have some commonalities. Each group, ring, and field must contain an inverse element and an identity element under the one or two binary operations applied to it. From this last example we saw that elements of fields can be expressed as . These are called equivalence classes and
is considered the set of all equivalence classes for two elements
is a set. We can further explain that an equivalence class
is for
under the relation
. There are three properties for an equivalence relation [12]:
- Reflexive Let
for multiplication in
, where
is the integral domain.
- Symmetric If
, then
. Since multiplication in
is commutative then
thus resulting in
- Transitive If
, and
, then
. Since
is commutative, we have
and thus
We should already be familiar with the concepts of reflexive, symmetric, and transitive from our discussion of set theory so the notion that these same properties can apply for an equivalence class of a set should seem straight forward.
Before we move on to the next topic, observe the following example that helps to relate sub-domains to domains using the properties for a field of quotients [12].
Show by an example that a field of quotients of a proper sub-domain
of an integral domain
may also be a field of quotients for
Let be an integral domain, then
such that
since a rational number formed by two integers is a quotient. Since
is a field then
. If
is the field of quotients for
then we also say
and since
is the field of quotients for
then we can also say that
thus we can conclude that
. Thus a field of quotients for the sub-domain
is also the field of quotients for integral domain
With such a focus on integral domains in this example, beyond assisting in the definition of a field of quotients, it makes sense to have a separate section to better explain integral domains and their use.
22.2 Integral Domains
We gave a brief introduction to integral domains as the pertain to the definitions for fields but as always there is a formal definition which we will cover here as well as a diagram of how all these terms relate to one another.
Definition. Zero Divisor
If and
are two ring elements with
are zero-divisors.
This might not make any sense at first, how could two non zero elements multiplied together, produce the quantity 0? This is easiest to explain by looking at an example.
Given in
find all the solutions.
We address each element in ;
Thus we can conclude that the only solution in is when
Here we are given a function in the ring thus the we can put every result from the function as they relate to 6 since 6 divides 12 evenly we let
where as since 6 divides 7 with a remainder of 1 we let
. With this rough description in mind we introduce a theorem for finding the zero-divisors of a ring.
In the ring , the divisors of 0 are precisely those nonzero elements that are not relatively prime to
The counter view to this which supports this theorem is that if for
is prime then
has no zero divisor because the only two integers
whose product
is a prime number is when
is the prime number such that
and since
cannot be an element in
then we say
has no divisor of 0.
Now that we have introduced the concept of divisors we can introduce integral domains, formally.
An integral domain is a commutative ring with unity
and containing no divisors of 0.
This will make more sense when we look at a few examples later on but for now we can see how the definition of an integral domain applies to rings and fields. Now we are familiar with fields by now and we know that fields are commutative rings so it follows that all fields are integral domains and thus every finite integral domain is a field.
If is a prime, then
is a field.
This theorem holds because is a finite integral domain since
is prime and thus
is also a field. Continuing on our relations between integral domains and other algebraic sets we introduce rings in relation to integral domains [12].
Definition. The characteristic of the ring
If for a ring a positive integer
exists such that
for all
, then the least positive integer is the characteristic of the ring
. If no such positive integer exists, then
is of characteristic 0.
Let be a ring with unity. If
for all
, then
has characteristic 0. If
for some
, then the smallest such integer
is the characteristic of
Show that the characteristic of an integral domain must be either 0 or a prime
Let be the characteristic of
such that
Consider the characteristic of is not prime. Then there exists
such that the characteristic of
. If we let
be the smallest positive integer such that
. Then we let
with sums of
with 1 as the unit of ring
. Next
Since and
then by definition for the characteristic of a ring
is not the least positive integer, this is a contradiction to the claim that
is the characteristic of the integral domain
. Thus we conclude that the integral domain
has characteristic 0 or prime
This proof supports the idea that an integral domain, which is itself a ring, has a characteristic of 0 which supports the definition for the characteristic of the ring. As well, this supports the theorem that if a ring or the integral domain has unity then either the characteristic is 0 or it is the smallest positive integer. The characteristic of a ring helps us understand what kind of set we are dealing with if all we are given is the characteristic. The common sets can all be classified as having a characteristic of 0 because there is no least positive integer in each set because they are infinite.
We will look at one more example, this time with a defined characteristic that is not 0.
Let be a commutative ring with unity of characteristic 4. Compute and simplify
Let be a commutative ring with unity of characteristic 4. By the binomial theorem for expansion, for
we have
Since we were given that we can simplify this formula to the following
Therefore we can conclude that for all
In this last example we can see how a characteristic of a ring effects a ring under certain binary operations.
We have now covered groups, various families of rings, integral domains, and fields. In the following diagram we will look at how all these terms relate to one another and how they are all involved with one another.
This diagram gives us the best idea for the families under groups and how they all relate to one another. We can also relate the axioms pertaining to each specified ring and how they carry over. This diagram begins with the largest circle which is groups, this means that any inner circle must qualify as a group. If you are asked to prove a set is a field if we can not prove it is first a group then we do not need to go any further. This also means that the axioms that justify a group carry over to every inner family. This diagram shows us that groups are the largest family and with in groups we either have rings or not. With in rings we may have specified commutative rings or rings with unity which sometimes overlap. Within the overlap we have a special family of rings with qualify as integral domains and with in this family some qualify as fields.
Now that we have a strong understanding of how each specified family relates to one another we can look at rings and fields again, this time when determining polynomials.