7 Sequences and Series
Sequences and series are very much intertwined with one another. Sequences alone are one concept and series are based off the idea of summing the values of a sequence in order to construct a series. We will break these two concepts into their own sections and address each individually.
7.1 Sequences
We begin this section by discussing sequences.
A sequence of real numbers is a function
, where
In short a sequence“is a function whose domain is a set of consecutive natural numbers beginning with 1″[19]. Some sequences are a set number of values long, called finite sequences, where as others are infinitely long, we call these infinite sequences. When we consider what a sequence looks like we imagine an expression representing the general term for the sequence. This general term is usually represented by . Observe the following finite sequence example.
Let find the first 3 terms of the sequence.
Now there are some sequences that utilize the value of the last term to calculate the value of the next. We call this a recurrence relation. One example of this type of sequence is the Fibonacci sequence where . We see in this sequence that the two previous terms are used to calculate the value of the next term. We can observe sequences to find trends and from this we can conclude if a sequence converges or diverges. This will allow us to dictate if a sequence is reaching a quantifiable limit or not. We will define convergence and divergence later on in this section.
7.2 Series
Moving on from sequences to series. We define a series as a formal expression for the sum of the terms of a sequence. We usually denote this as
When we expand this notation we get the following calculation:
There are various general series we come across in calculus [19]: Ā
Arithmetic Series
This series is very straight forward, we have the sum of values starting from with the following value increasing by 1. Now we may have a manipulated version of this series which converts every other value to a negative. This type of series is categorized as an alternating series but it should be noted that an arithmetic series will not always directly follow this pattern and can easily be altered in various ways. Much like our other section under calculus we are given the structure of basic formulas, with the knowledge that these series will have alterations applied which will effect the results.
Harmonic Series
As we can see by observing the trend of the harmonic series there is an increase in the denominator such that the values being added to the sum total are getting smaller and smaller. Now of course there are many version of the harmonic series. We can change the value of he numerator, or we can place to a power of some natural number.
Geometric Series
With the geometric series we are considering the terms to be a constant multiplied by the preceding term
. In a general form the series appears as
If the value for is greater than one then the series will trend to infinity in which we conclude that the series diverges. We will discuss divergence and convergence shortly. If
is less than negative 1 then the series will appear to alternate between positive values and negative values and again we say the series diverges. Only when
does a geometric series converge [19]. There is a different notation for this situation given as
Let we have the following geometric series
The Power Series
With the example for geometric series in mind we introduce the power series [19]. A power series is any series taking on the form
We see it is called the power series because of the expression containing a higher power variable [19]. Now not every power series needs to be centered around 0 in which case they are centered around some denoted as
What we mean when discussing a series being centered around or
is that every series has an interval. We assume the interval is centered at
if it is not specified otherwise. When a series is centered at
then we need to account for this within the formula for the series which is why we include the vital piece
in the expression otherwise the series will act like it is centered around
and your sum will be incorrect for the interval centered at
7.3 Convergence and Divergence
Before we can go any further we need to discuss divergence and convergence. It has already been brought up in our discussion of limits of a sequence and in our discussion on geometric series but we will explain this further. Divergence and convergence of a series help to define the trend of a series. We calculate convergence and divergence of a sequence through partial sums. Partial sums are the sums of sections of series, observe the following example.
Consider the series
The first three partial sums are as follows
Here we see that we are taking small portions of the values for the series and summing them up as partial sums to the series. With this in mind we define a series to be convergent if the limit for the sum of the series approaches a quantifiable limit. For some finite series this simply requires finding the total sum of the series. In order to quantify the convergence of an infinite series we use the limit convergence of the partial sums to determine if an infinite series converges. Conversely, a series diverges if limit cannot be calculated. Thus we can say any series or sequence that does not converge, diverges. Consider the two examples below.
Consider the series
To determine the convergence or divergence of the series we take the limit as approaches
As approaches
we see that
grows without bound and thus we can conclude that the series diverges.
This is an example of a series which diverges which ultimately means no limit can be reached because the series will continue to grow infinitely larger as approaches infinity. Consider now an example of a convergent series.
Consider the series
To find if the series converges or diverges we take the limit as approaches infinity.
We see that as approaches
approaches 0 since the numerator stays constant while the denominator grows without bound. Thus we can calculate the limit to be as follows
Thus we can conclude that the series converges to 1 given that the limit as approaches infinity is 1.
7.4 Series Tests
Now that we have covered convergence and divergence of a series we can briefly cover the different tests for convergence or divergence. It should be noted that these tests exist because not all series are as easy to test for as the examples given in the last section.
Integral Test
Let be a continuous, positive, and decreasing function on the interval from 1 to infinity [8]. Let us define
for a series then
What this means is that if the integral for from
to infinity converges then the series for
on the same interval, converges and vice verse. We apply this to an example.
Let be our series such that
. We can note here that
is positive, continuous on the interval
and decreasing. Thus we apply the integral test to test for convergence.
Now we cannot just substitute infinity for and solve we need to take the limit as
approaches infinity forĀ
and solve for the limit.
Solving for the limit we see as approaches infinity,
. Thus we say the limit approaches
giving us the following result for the integral.
Thus we conclude that the integral converges and thus the series also converges by the integral test.
The Comparison Test
If we have two series, and
for all values of
then by the comparison test we have the following rules [8].
- Let
, if
converges, then
- Let
, if
diverges, then
In the first rule we see that if the expression is greater than
and the series for
converges, then all series smaller than
, including
also converge. And following this, the second rule tells us that if a smaller expression
diverges then a greater expression
must also diverge.
The Limit Comparison Test
The limit comparison test uses the same concept of comparing convergence or divergence between two series. For the limit comparison tests we again let for all values of
. Then the following rules are given [8].
- If
, then
- If
converges, then
- If
diverges, then
What these rules equate to is very similar to the comparison tests, depending on the value of being greater or less than
and divergent or convergent then
will also be divergent or convergent respectively.
The Alternating Series Test
The alternating series test involves series which alternate between positive and negative values. Consider the example . The series would look like the following
We can see in this example that the series alternates from positive values to negative values depending on . In order to test for convergence of a series of this kind we are given the following rule [8].
Let for all values of
. If
is decreasing then
Consider the following example.
Consider the series . Let
, if we take the limit of
we get the following.
Thus we can conclude that and we can conclude that the series
Converges by the alternating series test.
The alternating series test can also be proven absolutely through the next test we are going to discuss.
The Absolute Convergence Test
This next test is quite straight forward and relates to the alternating series test in the sense that instead of finding the limit for a related series we simply take the absolute value of the series to test for convergence. If converges, then
converges [8].
If we consider the alternating series test in which is defined as
and we take the absolute value for
we get
There are more technical comparison tests used to solve complex series problems but for now we will only focus on the tests provided above. Moving onto the next section we will delve deeper into differential equations than what has been provided in the derivatives section of the chapter.