
P-1. Physical Quantities, Units, and Measurements

Physics Department of Douglas College; OpenStax; and Joey Wu


  • Understand the definitions of quantity, fundamental quantity, and derived quantity.
  • Explain the most common prefixes in the SI units and be able to write them in scientific notation
A view of Earth from the Moon.
Figure 1. The distance from Earth to the Moon may seem immense, but it is just a tiny fraction of the distances from Earth to other celestial bodies. (credit: NASA).

The world around us is full of things we can measure, from very small to very large. Think about the size of a grain of sand compared to the height of a tall building, or the weight of a feather compared to the weight of an elephant. To understand and describe these different sizes and amounts, we use numbers and units.

When we talk about a physical quantity, we’re referring to something we can measure or calculate. For example, we can measure how tall someone is or how long it takes to run across a playground. We can also calculate things like how fast someone is running by using other measurements we’ve made. Every measurement provides three kinds of information:

  1. the size or magnitude of the measurement (a number),
  2. a standard of comparison for the measurement (a unit), and
  3. an indication of the uncertainty of the measurement.

While the number and unit are explicitly represented when a quantity is written, the uncertainty is an aspect of the measurement result that is more implicitly represented and will be discussed later.

The number in the measurement can be represented in different ways, including decimal form and scientific notation. (Scientific notation is also known as exponential notation.) For example, the maximum takeoff weight of a Boeing 777-200ER airliner is 298,000 kilograms, which can also be written as 2.98 x 105 kg. The mass of the average mosquito is about 0.0000025 kilograms, which can be written as 2.5 x 10−6 kg.

When we measure the physical quantities, we use units. Units are agreed-upon standard amounts that everyone understands. For instance, we might measure someone’s height in centimeters or inches, or measure the length of a football field in meters or yards. Using these standard units helps everyone understand and compare measurements.

Without units, a number can be meaningless, confusing, or possibly life threatening. Suppose a doctor prescribes phenobarbital to control a patient’s seizures and states a dosage of “100” without specifying units. Not only will this be confusing to the medical professional giving the dose, but the consequences can be dire: 100 mg given three times per day can be effective as an anticonvulsant, but a single dose of 100 g is more than 10 times the lethal amount.

The system of units called the metric system. The most common units in this system are meters for length, kilograms for mass (which is similar to weight), and seconds for time. By using these standard units, scientists (and students!) all over the world can share and understand each other’s measurements.

Figure 2. Distances given in unknown units are maddeningly useless.

In the world of measurement, there are two main systems of units that people use: the metric system and the customary system. The metric system, also called SI units (which stands for International System of Units in English; the acronym “SI” is derived from the French Système International), is used by most countries around the world and by scientists everywhere. It includes units like meters, grams, and liters. The customary system, sometimes called English units or imperial units, is mainly used in the United States for everyday measurements. This system includes units like inches, pounds, and cups.

In our science classes, we’ll focus on the metric system because it’s what scientists use and it’s easier to work with. The metric system uses units that are all related by factors of 10, which makes converting between them simpler. For example, there are 100 centimeters in a meter, and 1000 meters in a kilometer. This consistency makes the metric system very useful for scientific measurements and calculations.

Here’s an interesting story that shows why using the same measurement system is so important:

Artist's conception of the Mars Climate Orbiter andits asymmetrical solar array
Artist’s conception of the Mars Climate Orbiter and its asymmetrical solar array

In 1999, NASA (the US space agency) sent a spacecraft called the Mars Climate Orbiter to study Mars. It was supposed to orbit around Mars and send back information about the planet’s weather. But something went wrong, and the spacecraft crashed into Mars instead of orbiting it!

What happened? It turned out that two teams working on the project were using different measurement systems. One team was using metric units (like meters and kilometers), while the other was using customary units (like feet and miles). This meant that when they shared information, they were misunderstanding each other’s numbers.

Because of this mix-up, the spacecraft got too close to Mars and burned up in its atmosphere. This mistake cost $125 million!

This story shows us why it’s so important for scientists to agree on which measurement system to use. It also reminds us to always check our units when we’re doing math and science!

If you’re interested in the story, click https://sma.nasa.gov/docs/default-source/safety-messages/safetymessage-2009-08-01-themarsclimateorbitermishap.pdf?sfvrsn=eaa1ef8_4


SI Units: Fundamental and Derived Units

The metric system, which we use in science, is managed by an international organization in France. This organization makes sure that everyone around the world agrees on how to define and use metric units. Table 1.1 below shows the seven basic metric units. These are called the fundamental units because they’re the building blocks for measuring many things in science:

Base Units of the SI System

Property Measured

Name of Unit

Symbol of Unit













electric current



amount of substance



luminous intensity



Table 1.1

In this course, we will mainly focus on three basic metric units: Length (meter), Mass (Kilogram), and Time (Seconds).

These fundamental units are special because we define them based on how we measure them. For example, we define a meter as the distance light travels in a tiny fraction of a second. There are seven fundamental units in the metric system. In this course, we will mainly focus on three of them, as listed in Table 1.

Sometimes, we need to measure other things that aren’t directly covered by these fundamental units. For instance, when we want to measure how fast something is moving (speed), we use a combination of length (meters) and time (seconds). We call these combinations “derived units” because they come from our fundamental units.

Remember, using these standard units helps everyone in science speak the same “language” when it comes to measurements. This way, scientists (and students!) from different parts of the world can easily understand and use each other’s work.

Units of Time, Length, and Mass: The Second, Meter, and Kilogram

The Second

The second is our unit for measuring time. It’s the time it takes for something very tiny (an atom) to vibrate 9,192,631,770 times! Scientists chose this definition because it’s very precise and doesn’t change. Before this, people used to define a second based on how long it takes the Earth to spin around once, but that wasn’t as accurate because the Earth’s rotation is actually slowing down very gradually. 

The Meter

The meter is our unit for measuring length. Today, we define a meter as the distance light travels in about 1/300,000,000 of a second. That’s super fast! Scientists chose this definition because the speed of light is always the same, so it gives us a very accurate way to measure distance.

Fun fact: Before this, people tried defining the meter in different ways. They once said it was one ten-millionth of the distance from the North Pole to the equator. Later, they made a special metal bar and said the meter was the length between two lines on that bar. But using light is much more precise!

Beam of light from a flashlight is represented by an arrow pointing right, traveling the length of a meter stick.
Figure 4. The meter is defined to be the distance light travels in 1/299,792,458 of a second in a vacuum. Distance traveled is speed multiplied by time.

The Kilogram

The kilogram is our unit for measuring mass. For a long time, the kilogram was defined by a special metal cylinder kept in France. All other weights in the world were based on this one cylinder! In 2019, scientists redefined the kilogram using a fundamental constant of nature called the Planck constant. This constant relates a particle’s energy to its frequency, and it’s always the same everywhere in the universe.

The new definition involves a special device called the Kibble balance, which uses electromagnetic forces to balance the weight of a mass. By relating this balance to the Planck constant, scientists can now define the kilogram without relying on a physical object. This new definition is more stable and precise than the old method of using a physical cylinder. It ensures that the kilogram will remain constant over time and can be reproduced anywhere in the world using the right equipment.

While the details of this process are complex, the important thing for us to understand is that scientists are always working to make our measurements more accurate and reliable. This new definition of the kilogram is a great example of how science is always improving and refining our understanding of the world.

Why are these definitions so important? Scientists need very precise measurements to do their work. By defining our basic units (second, meter, and kilogram) in these accurate ways, we make sure that everyone around the world is measuring things in exactly the same way. This helps scientists work together and trust each other’s results, no matter where they are in the world.

In our course, we’ll use these units to measure all sorts of things related to motion, force, and energy. Everything we measure will be based on combinations of length, mass, and time!

The Metric System: A Simple Way to Measure Big and Small Things

SI units are part of the metric system. The metric system is convenient for scientific and engineering calculations because the units are categorized by factors of 10. The table below gives metric prefixes and symbols used to denote various factors of 10.

The metric system, which includes our SI units, is great for science because it uses a simple pattern based on the number 10. This makes it easy to convert between different sizes of units.

Here’s why the metric system is so handy:

  1. Easy Conversions: In the metric system, going from one unit to another always involves multiplying or dividing by 10, 100, 1000, and so on. For example:
    • There are 100 centimeters in a meter
    • There are 1000 meters in a kilometer. This is much simpler than the customary system used in the U.S., where there are 12 inches in a foot and 5280 feet in a mile!
  2. Prefixes for Big and Small: The metric system uses special prefixes to show very big or very small measurements. For example:
    • “Kilo-” means 1000 times bigger (like in kilometer)
    • “Centi-” means 100 times smaller (like in centimeter)
    • “Milli-” means 1000 times smaller (like in millimeter)

When we’re dealing with very big or very small numbers in science, we often use something called “order of magnitude.” It is defined as the scale of a value expressed in the metric system. This is a way to describe how big or small something is using powers of 10. It’s like a quick way to estimate size.

Here’s how it works: Each time you multiply by 10, you go up one order of magnitude; Each time you divide by 10, you go down one order of magnitude. For example, 10 is one order magnitude bigger than 1, 100 is two orders of magnitude bigger than 1, 1000 is three orders of magnitude bigger than 1. This is really useful when we’re comparing things that are very different in size. For instance:

  • The width of an atom is about 0.0000000001 meters (10^-10 meters)
  • The width of a human hair is about 0.0001 meters (10^-4 meters)
  • The height of a person is about 1 meter (10^0 meters)
  • The diameter of the Earth is about 10,000,000 meters (10^7 meters)

Using orders of magnitude, we can say the Earth is about 17 orders of magnitude wider than an atom! This helps us understand just how much bigger the Earth is compared to an atom.

In your classroom, you can use this concept to help students grasp the vast differences in size between things they study in science, from tiny atoms to huge planets. It’s a great way to build their understanding of scale and proportion, which are important skills in science and math.


Prefix Symbol Value Example (some are approximate)
exa E 1018 exameter Em 1018 m distance light travels in a century
peta P 1015 petasecond Ps 1015 s 30 million years
tera T 1012 terawatt TW 1012 W powerful laser output
giga G 109 gigahertz GHz 109 Hz a microwave frequency
mega M 106 megacurie MCi 106 Ci high radioactivity
kilo k 103 kilometer km 103 m about 6/10 mile
hecto h 102 hectoliter hL 102 L 26 gallons
deka da 101 dekagram dag 101 g teaspoon of butter


deci d 10-1 deciliter dL 10-1 L less than half a soda
centi c 10-2 centimeter cm 10-2 m fingertip thickness
milli m 10-3 millimeter mm 10-3 m flea at its shoulders
micro µ 10-6 micrometer µm 10-6 m detail in microscope
nano n 10-9 nanogram ng 10-9 g small speck of dust
pico p 10-12 picofarad pF 10-12 F small capacitor in radio
femto f 10-15 femtometer fm 10-15 m size of a proton
atto a 10-18 attosecond as 10-18 s time light crosses an atom
Table 2. Metric Prefixes for Powers of 10 and their Symbols.

Known Ranges of Length, Mass, and Time

The vastness of the universe and the breadth over which physics applies are illustrated by the wide range of examples of known lengths, masses, and times show in the table above.   Examination of this table will give you some feeling for the range of possible topics and numerical values.

A magnified image of tiny phytoplankton swimming among the crystal of ice.[
Figure 5. Tiny phytoplankton swims among crystals of ice in the Antarctic Sea. They range from a few micrometers to as much as 2 millimeters in length. (credit: Prof. Gordon T. Taylor, Stony Brook University; NOAA Corps Collections).

A view of Abell Galaxy with some bright stars and some hot gases.
Figure 6. Galaxies collide 2.4 billion light years away from Earth. The tremendous range of observable phenomena in nature challenges the imagination. (credit: NASA/CXC/UVic./A. Mahdavi et al. Optical/lensing: CFHT/UVic./H. Hoekstra et al.).

Unit Conversion

Sometimes, we need to change from one unit to another. This is called unit conversion, and it’s an important skill in science and everyday life. In many real-world scenarios, we might need to convert recipes from metric to customary units, or understand distances in different units when reading maps or travel information. Unit conversion also reinforces multiplication, division, and working with fractions, thus helping us build mathematical skills.

Let us consider a simple example of how to convert units. Let us say that we want to convert 80 meters (m) to kilometers (km).

The first thing to do is to list the units that you have and the units that you want to convert to. In this case, we have units in meters and we want to convert to kilometers.

Next, we need to determine a conversion factor relating meters to kilometers. A conversion factor is a ratio expressing how many of one unit are equal to another unit. For example, there are 12 inches in 1 foot, 100 centimeters in 1 meter, 60 seconds in 1 minute, and so on. In this case, we know that there are 1,000 meters in 1 kilometer.

Now we can set up our unit conversion. We will write the units that we have and then multiply them by the conversion factor so that the units cancel out, as shown:

[latex]\bf{80 \;\rule[0.5ex]{1.0em}{0.1ex}\hspace{-1.0em}\textbf{m}\times}[/latex][latex]\bf{\frac{1\textbf{ km}}{1000\;\rule[0.25ex]{0.75em}{0.1ex}\hspace{-0.75em}\textbf{m}}}[/latex][latex]\bf{= 0.080\textbf{ km}}[/latex]

Note that the unwanted m unit cancels, leaving only the desired km unit. You can use this method to convert between any types of unit.

Click here to go the Back Matter Appendices.   Appendix  Useful Information for a more complete list of conversion factors.

Lengths in meters Masses in kilograms (more precise values in parentheses) Times in seconds (more precise values in parentheses)
10−18 Present experimental limit to smallest observable detail 10−30 Mass of an electron (9.11×10−31 kg) 10−23 Time for light to cross a proton
10−15 Diameter of a proton 10−27 Mass of a hydrogen atom (1.67×10−27 kg) 10−22 Mean life of an extremely unstable nucleus
10−14 Diameter of a uranium nucleus 10−15 Mass of a bacterium 10−15 Time for one oscillation of visible light
10−10 Diameter of a hydrogen atom 10−5 Mass of a mosquito 10−13 Time for one vibration of an atom in a solid
10−8 Thickness of membranes in cells of living organisms 10−2 Mass of a hummingbird 10−8 Time for one oscillation of an FM radio wave
10−6 Wavelength of visible light 1 Mass of a liter of water (about a quart) 10−3 Duration of a nerve impulse
10−3 Size of a grain of sand 102 Mass of a person 1 Time for one heartbeat
1 Height of a 4-year-old child 103 Mass of a car 105 One day (8.64×104 s)
102 Length of a football field 108 Mass of a large ship 107 One year (y) (3.16×107 s)
104 Greatest ocean depth 1012 Mass of a large iceberg 109 About half the life expectancy of a human
107 Diameter of the Earth 1015 Mass of the nucleus of a comet 1011 Recorded history
1011 Distance from the Earth to the Sun 1023 Mass of the Moon (7.35×1022 kg) 1017 Age of the Earth
1016 Distance traveled by light in 1 year (a light year) 1025 Mass of the Earth (5.97×1024 kg) 1018 Age of the universe
1021 Diameter of the Milky Way galaxy 1030 Mass of the Sun (1.99×1030 kg)
1022 Distance from the Earth to the nearest large galaxy (Andromeda) 1042 Mass of the Milky Way galaxy (current upper limit)
1026 Distance from the Earth to the edges of the known universe 1053 Mass of the known universe (current upper limit)
Table 3. Approximate Values of Length, Mass, and Time.


While there are numerous types of units that we are all familiar with, there are others that are much more obscure. For example, a firkin is a unit of volume that was once used to measure beer. One firkin equals about 34 liters. To learn more about nonstandard units, use a dictionary or encyclopedia to research different “weights and measures.” Take note of any unusual units, such as a barleycorn, that are not listed in the text. Think about how the unit is defined and state its relationship to SI units.

PhET Interactive Simulations and a Math Review
There are many interactive simulations available from the University of Colorado Boulder called PheT  or Physics Education
Starting with some basic math, you might want to review some skills as math is the language of physics.  Some of the older simulations use Flash which might not run on all computers.
Ratios and proportionality   https://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/proportion-playground
Fractions  https://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/fraction-matcher


  • Physical quantities are a characteristic or property of an object that can be measured or calculated from other measurements.
  • Units are standards for expressing and comparing the measurement of physical quantities. All units can be expressed as combinations of fundamental units.
  • The four fundamental units we will use in this text are the meter (for length), the kilogram (for mass), the second (for time), and the ampere (for electric current). These units are part of the metric system, which uses powers of 10 to relate quantities over the vast ranges encountered in nature.
  • The three fundamental units are abbreviated as follows: meter, m; kilogram, kg; second, s. The metric system also uses a standard set of prefixes to denote each order of magnitude greater than or lesser than the fundamental unit itself.
  • Unit conversions involve changing a value expressed in one type of unit to another type of unit. This is done by using conversion factors, which are ratios relating equal quantities of different units.

Conceptual Questions

1: Identify some advantages of metric units.

Problems & Exercises

1: The speed limit on some interstate highways is roughly 100 km/h. (a) What is this in meters per second? (b) How many miles per hour is this?

2: American football is played on a 100-yd-long field, excluding the end zones. How long is the field in meters? (Assume that 1 meter equals 1.094 yard)

3: What is the height in meters of a person who is 6 ft 1.0 in. tall? (Assume that 1 meter equals 39.37 in.)

4: Which of the following are fundamental units, which are derived units?

Meter Joule (kg*m2/s2)
meter per second second
Newton (kg*m/s2) g/cm^3
cm2 m3


physical quantity
a characteristic or property of an object that can be measure or calculated from other measurements
a standard used for expressing and comparing measurements
SI units
the international system of units that scientist in most countries have agreed to use; includes units such as meters, liters, and grams
English units
system of measurement used in the United States; includes units of measurement such as feet, gallons, and pounds
fundamental units
units that can only be expressed relative to the procedure used to measure them
derived units
units that can be calculated using algebraic combinations of the fundamental units
the SI unit for time, abbreviated (s)
the SI unit for length, abbreviated (m)
the SI unit for mass, abbreviated (kg)
metric system
a system in which values can be calculated in factors of 10
order of magnitude
refers to the size of a quantity as it related to a power of 10


Problems & Exercises

1: (a) 27.8 m/s   b) 62.1 miles per hour or mph

2: 91.44m

3: 1.85m

4: Fundamental units: meter, second

Derived quantity: Joule, meter per second, g/cm3, Newton, cm2, m3

Media Attributions


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P-1. Physical Quantities, Units, and Measurements Copyright © 2022 by Physics Department of Douglas College; OpenStax; and Joey Wu is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.