
Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) is tool that, when combined with software, can produce text, images, and other materials based on prompts (this is the “generative” part of GenAI). This ability to compose is because GenAI has a database of existing materials that the program has mapped out. When given a prompt, GenAI finds a matching word that fits within the context of the prompt, and then it statistically predicts the next most likely word within that same context based on its database (this is the “artificial intelligence” part of GenAI). GenAI is not capable of original thought or human emotion, nor does it truly comprehend its input and output. However, as more is added to its database of knowledge and more feedback is provided, the more accurate and authentic GenAI can appear.


Firefly result for “A computer with a genAI program open on the screen”

The combination of selective output has great potential for GenAI. Even with its limitations, it can create some useful and appropriate materials. The field of education has taken particular interest in this technology, exploring uses in lesson planning, assessment creation, and policy writing. Using GenAI can save teachers time and streamline processes, help them brainstorm or figure out tough content, or diversify and improve their current ideas. There is even potential with GenAI in creating visuals or audio clips that can be used in educational materials. Our eDS team similarly engages in these activities; what would be good use of GenAI for teachers could be good for eDS.

This is not to say GenAI is perfect or will grow to replace professions and personnel. Instead, it is becoming an increasingly relevant skill to master. The goal of this Cookbook is thus to prepare instructional designers, graphics designers, video producers, and leadership for the future of GenAI. This is accomplished in a few ways in this Cookbook.

  • Chapters on Ethics and Concerns – taking time to explore the conflict, limitations, and methods surrounding GenAI better prepares us for tough conversations.
  • Use Cases by Job and Task – seeing actual prompts and outputs provides more authentic examples of GenAI’s potential. We will refer to this prompts as recipes.
  • Comments and Discussion  – we learn best together. This books has comments enables, so readers can leave comments with suggestions, critiques, and resources.


The GenAI Cookbook: GenAI Recipes for eLearning Design and Services Copyright © by Emilie Schiess; Tori Abram-Peterson; and L. Dalton Gibson. All Rights Reserved.

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