10 Learning environments: exploration
Now it’s your turn to drive. Take a look at the paths you can follow below or forge your own! There’s no wrong way to explore. You can even revisit a previous station if you prefer.
Today’s Canvas site
If you couldn’t tell, most of the modules in the Canvas site we’re using today are actually Pressbooks pages! If you’d like to see what the Canvas site looks like as a teacher, use the login information below — this account has been added with the “Teacher” role. Be sure not to make any changes, though: the rest of the room is still using the site!
You’ll want to log into the account below with a private or incognito browsing window if you’re using your own device. You can find instructions for opening a private or incognito browsing window here.
- Username: demo31
- Password: Unizin conference fall 2019
Today’s Pressbooks text
While the content for today’s sessions has been made available in Canvas, it can still be accessed on the web*. Take a look at the content in Pressbooks here. You can try exporting the text from its homepage to see how it looks as a PDF too!
You can also log into Pressbooks with our demo account below to see what it looks like as a “Teacher”. Be sure not to make any changes, though: the rest of the room is still using the site!
You’ll want to log into the account below with a private or incognito browsing window if you’re using your own device. You can find instructions for opening a private or incognito browsing window here.
- Username: demo31
- Password: Unizin conference fall 2019
Try looking at the following pages:
- https://iu.pressbooks.pub/centersandunizin/wp-admin/admin.php?page=pb_organize (click on page titles to open and view them)
- https://iu.pressbooks.pub/centersandunizin/wp-admin/admin.php?page=h5p (click edit next to the activities to see how they’re set up – just don’t make any changes)
* This particular text is publicly accessible so that you can access it. It could be made private as well.
Did you know that now you can share your pronouns in NameCoach? Open NameCoach in the Canvas site from your own device (go.iu.edu/2c5p) to see what it looks like. To record your name and select your pronouns:
- In Canvas, click Account from the global navigation menu and then click NameCoach recorder.
- Click either Record name or Edit this recording. Follow the instructions to record your name and select your pronouns.
Unizin resources
Want to know more about Unizin in general? Here are some resources you may find interesting:
- IU’s Unizin website: unizin.iu.edu
- unizin.org
- Unizin press releases