
14 Writing a low-cost eText

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You’ve decided to write a low-cost eText! You have been brainstorming for years with your colleagues about what a customized text for your course would look like. Now you have the tools and support to do it either alone or as a team. You like that it’ll be offered through the IU eTexts program, that it will include any functionality you choose to enable in Pressbooks, and that it can closely align with your course learning objectives. You read online that IU Press will be able to work with you to identify deadlines, assist with copy editing, and offer design advice, so you open your email and begin drafting a message to their office.

As you type you think about how much your students will save, and you feel great! You’ve done your part to make higher education more affordable, and you couldn’t be happier.

 Write and adopt a low-cost eText

1. Explore example textbooks already delivered in Pressbooks: Pressbooks at IU demo catalogUniversity of Wisconsin Pressbooks

2. Reach out to IU Press.

3.  When IU Press and UITS have made your text available to order, confirm that the textbook ordering window is open.

3. Visit etexts.iu.edu and click Order Tool. Select your class, select your eText, and check out.


📖 Want more? You can adopt multiple forms of affordable content in your course. Click here to start over and explore your options >>


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