
15 Writing an open text with your students

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You’ve decided to write an open textbook with your students! You anticipate that involving them in the textbook writing process will be incredibly valuable to their learning process, as it has been for other students who were empowered to contribute to class texts. You take a look through the example texts delivered in Pressbooks and feel confident that your students will be able to research and write important content from their own perspectives — content that may resonate with other students like them. You’ve read that anyone at IU can use Pressbooks right away, so you visit pressbooks.iu.edu, log in, and start thinking about how you’ll structure your project.

As you’re checking out Pressbooks you think about how much your students will save, and you feel great! You’ve done your part to make higher education more affordable and impactful, and you couldn’t be happier.


 Write an OER text with students

1. Review existing case studies and project ideas: Creating an Open Textbook, from A Guide to Making Open Textbooks with Students

– See ASSIGNMENT: CREATE AN OPEN TEXTBOOK for an example of an open textbook creation project

2. Log into Pressbooks at IU create your first text

3. Contact your campus OER representatives and your campus teaching and learning center


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