
18 Getting Used to Masks

Getting used to Masks – Parent tips

  • Start small and work up with time
  • Give lots of positive praise for wearing the mask “I love that you have your mask on!”, “great job leaving your mask on your face!”
  • Have multiple masks so your child gets used to wearing them and one is always ready to use.
  • Have additional masks on hand that can be used during play time
  • Answer questions about masks, but also focus on the positive of helping people to stay positive
  • Give choice when you can (fabric type, decorating, earloops vs ties etc).
  • Look to do rewards after wearing the mask.

Getting Used to My Mask

People are wearing masks to stay healthy and safe from the coronavirus.

As places open back up and I got out more, I will need to wear a mask.

Wearing a mask can be uncomfortable, hot or itchy. This is okay. I can practice wearing my mask to feel more comfortable.

To help start wearing my mask I can:

  • Hold the mask
  • Bring the mask to my face
  • Touch the mask to my face
  • Put the elastic over my ears or the ties around my head.
  • Keep my mask on for a short amount of time and build up length.

I can also look to get more used to wearing my mask by practicing at home.

I can have my stuffed animals and dolls wear a mask with me. We can even play doctor while wearing masks. I could also watch a TV show wearing my mask. I can take selfies to see myself in my mask.

I can decorate my mask with markers or stickers to make it my own. If my mask is being made at home or ordered, I can ask to pick out the fabric.  This will make me feel more comfortable wearing my mask. I may even have more than one mask to wear that I can decorate.

I can also dress up to match my mask! I might be a ninja or a superhero for staying healthy!

Wearing a mask can be uncomfortable, but with practice it can become easier!  These are important steps to staying healthy.

Getting Used to My Mask – simplified

People are wearing masks to stay healthy and not get sick.

When I leave my home, I will need to wear a mask.

Wearing a mask may feel different and be hot or itchy. This is okay. I can practice to get used to my mask.

To help start wearing my mask I can:

  • Hold the mask
  • Bring the mask to my face
  • Touch the mask to my face
  • Put the elastic over my ears or the ties around my head.
  • Keep my mask on for a short amount of time and build up length.

I can practice wearing my mask at home.

I can wear my mask with my stuffed animals and dolls. I can play doctor and wear a mask. I can watch TV in my mask. I can take pictures in my mask too!

I can decorate my mask. I can use markers and stickers. I may get to pick what my mask looks like. This can help me feel okay wearing my mask.

I can dress up with my mask. I can be a ninja or a superhero!

Wearing my mask may feel different, but practicing can help it be okay!  This keeps people healthy.

Download this from our website with visuals in PDF form


HANDS in Autism Covid 19 Starter Kit Copyright © by HANDS in Autism Interdisciplinary Training and Resource Center. All Rights Reserved.