
14 My Friend Isn’t At School

My Friend Isn’t at School

When I got to my class, my friend wasn’t there.

They are not at school today. That is okay.

I don’t like it when my friends aren’t in my classes. I may have to find someone else to walk to class with or sit with at lunch. That is okay.

It may make me feel frustrated or upset when they are not at school.

That is okay. I can use a skill, like talking with my teacher or taking a break when I feel this way.

I can talk with my family about missing my friend when I get home. I could even give them a call to see how they are doing.

My friend will be back at school again soon.

My Friend Isn’t at School (Simplified)

Today I am at school, but my friend is not here.

That is okay.

My friend may be at home because they don’t feel well.

They are safe at home with their parents.

I may miss my friend when they are not at school.

This is okay.

It may make me feel sad or frustrated when they are not at school.

That is okay. I can use a skill, like taking a break, when I feel this way.

I can talk to my teacher or my family about missing my friend.

I will see my friend at school again!

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HANDS in Autism Covid 19 Starter Kit Copyright © by HANDS in Autism Interdisciplinary Training and Resource Center. All Rights Reserved.