
9 Training Opportunities for Educators and Administrators

HANDS offers multiple trainings, all online due to the need for social distance. However all are equipped with the same level of interactivity and intensity our trainings have come to be known for.

Intensive trainings

Week-Long Intensive Training for School Personnel

summer trainingA week-long intensive training for teachers, paraprofessionals, and others who instruct individuals with ASD and related disabilities. Held each summer, this comprehensive training guides you from introduction of evidence-based practices, to coaching through application with volunteer individuals with ASD and their caregivers.

Partial scholarships available

Intensive Paraprofessional & Support Staff Training

This intensive training for paraprofessionals, assistants, and support personnel focuses on providing instruction as well as hands-on activities and coaching. The program includes instructional methods such as content modules with discussion, with interactive content. The goal of the training is building increased knowledge and skill in supporting students with autism spectrum disorder but is applicable to supporting students of varying disabilities towards achieving success.

2-Day Administrator Training

trainingThis training is designed for administrators and teams. It will focus on essential components to programming for students with ASD and related disabilities. A special emphasis will be on administrative and evaluation tools track outcomes of classrooms and programming.

The tools help administrators and team leaders to focus their observations and evaluations and use objective methods of documentation. There will be demonstrations of these processes along with opportunities to practice. HANDS Trainers provide structured feedback, direction, and support to teachers and staff. Administrators will learn about essential evidence-based practices within their school while also being able to monitor change objectively and succinctly, direct conversation, make recommendations, and locate resources.

3-Day Early Childhood Development Workshop

Join the HANDS in Autism® Team for an intensive training that focuses on providing hands-on experience and coaching in an online classroom/work environment. Individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) participate, to facilitate learning for all. While the program includes instructional methods such as lectures and discussion, the emphasis of training is building increased knowledge and skill of the process of making appropriate programming decisions for each student, classroom, workplace, and/or intervention team through hands-on application and learning.

Partial scholarships available

Transition to Adulthood, Employability, and Post-Secondary Inclusive Practices

An Intensive Training for Specialists Supporting Individuals with ASD and Related Disabilities across Community Settings

Partial scholarships available


HANDS On: Crafting Your Curriculum Work Day

Join the HANDS in Autism® Team at HANDS On: Crafting Your Curriculum work day where you will preview a range of sample curriculum, tasks, and adaptations, as well as participate in tutorials.  Develop your own academic and functional teaching materials and tasks with guidance and support from HANDS staff.  Enjoy networking with others as you create curriculum to be used at home, school, or community.

Looking for more trainings?

If your are looking for information about a future training or would like to request custom services for you or your staff, please fill out our service request form.




HANDS in Autism Covid 19 Starter Kit Copyright © by HANDS in Autism Interdisciplinary Training and Resource Center. All Rights Reserved.