
Stitching videos together

  1. Log in to https://playposit.iu.edu and click ADD NEW BULB.
  2. Select Kaltura. Locate and add your “Intro” scene.
  3. Click ADD VIDEO, locate “Scene 1,” and add it to the bulb.
  4. Note the timecode above the video segments (see right). Return to your paper Choice Map; on the “Scene 1” post-it, write the starting timecode (e.g., 00:46).
  5. Add the remaining videos segments, and write down the starting timecode on the corresponding post-it notes.

Adding choices

Graded path

  1. Navigate to the end of the intro video in the PlayPosit timeline.
  3. Enter your question (e.g., “What will you do next?”), and the possible answers. Indicate the correct answer by clicking the circle to its left.
  4. Click the gear icon next to the first answer, then ADD JUMP.
  5. Enter start time of Scene 1 from your Choice Map (e.g., 00:46 from above).
  6. Click the gear icon for the next answer, ADD JUMP, and enter the start time for Scene 2. Do the same for the other answers.
  7. Click Advanced. Check the box for “Hide correct answer if not selected,” and then “Never show answer highlighting.”
  8. (Optional) Adjust other Advanced options (e.g., “Allow more than one attempt”) as appropriate.
  9. Click DONE to save the question.
  10. Navigate to the next decision point in the timeline, and repeat steps 3-9 for the rest of the video segments (e.g., at the end of Scene 1, you’ll have jumps to Scene 1.1 and 1.2).
  11. Click the REVIEW tab, then “Playback options”. Click the box next to “Allow learners to retake the bulb upon completion.”
  12. Click SAVE AND EXIT when you’re done.

Ungraded or multiple path

  1. Navigate to the end of the intro video in the PlayPosit timeline.
  2. Click ADD AN INTERACTION AT… and select PAUSE.
  3. Enter your decision prompt (e.g., “What will you do next?”). Under it, enter the answers that correspond to Scene 1, 2, and 3, one per line.
  4. Select the text for the first choice, and click the jump icon:
    1. Text to display: this is the text you selected above.
    2. Jump time: enter Scene 1’s timecode from your Choice map.
    3. Styling effect: Choose Primary button or one of the other button types and a color (optional).
    4. Click Insert. Repeat this for the other two choices.
  5. Below the choices, type Do not click “Continue” and right-align it.
  6. Click DONE to save the interaction.
  7. Navigate to the next decision point in the timeline, and repeat steps 7-10 for the rest of the video segments (e.g., at the end of Scene 1, you’ll have jumps to Scene 1.1 and 1.2).
  8. Click the REVIEW tab, then SAVE AND EXIT when you’re done.


Video Engagement: Discussion, Assessment, and Games Copyright © by Indiana University Learning Technologies. All Rights Reserved.