4 Safe Zone and the LGBTQS+ Alliance at IU East

Beth South

Safe Zone is a diversity workshop that provides basic training and information about the LGBTQ community. It is workshop that has been offered at IU East since 2011 and has been offered roughly every semester, with a few exceptions.

Josh Tolbert is an Assistant Professor of Education, specializing in special education methods, and an Ally. When Josh first arrived to IU East, he was asked to be the faculty advisor for the Alliance at IU East (now called the LGBTQS+ Alliance at IU East) and later was asked to participate in leading the Safe Zone Workshops, along with Deborah Miller, Assistant Professor of Psychology. You can listen to Josh’s interview and learn more about Safe Zone at IU East as well as his experience with working with the LGBTQS+ Alliance at IU East.  You can also read the transcript of Josh’s interview.

Josh’s interview does start with his background, his education, and his role on campus before leading into discussion about Safe Zone and the LGBTQS+ Alliance at IU East, so if you want to skip ahead, here are the start times to the two main topics:

LGBTQS+ Alliance at IU East starts at [9:55].

Safe Zone starts at [17:25].


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IU East LGBTQ+ Archive Copyright © by Beth South; Eng-W270 Spring 2019; Travis Rountree; and Abbie Sliger is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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