Stephen S. Mills is an award-winning LGBTQ poet who is a native of Richmond, Indiana. Travis Rountree, assistant professor of English and director of the Writing Program invited Stephen to IU East to read some of his poetry that often refers back to the region. Stephen also visited Dr. Rountree’s Eng-W270 class to talk to the students about growing up in Richmond, how he came out to his family and found his identity, and what inspires him as a writer. You can view his talk here: Stephen Mills with ENG-W270, March 6th, 2019 or read the transcript in Appendix 5. You can also hear a few poems from his reading at IU East.

Mills is the author of the Lambda Award-winning book He Do the Gay Man in Different Voices and A History of the Unmarried, both from Sibling Rivalry Press.
He earned his Master of Fine Arts from Florida State University. Mills’ work has appeared in The Antioch Review, PANK, The New York Quarterly, The Los Angeles Review, Knockout, The Rumpus, and others. He is the winner of the 2008 Gival Press Oscar Wilde Poetry Award and the 2014 Christopher Hewitt Award for Fiction. His third poetry collection Not Everything Thrown Starts a Revolution is available from Sibling Rivalry Press. Currently, Mills lives in New York City with his partner and two schnauzers. You can find out more about Stephen and his writing at his website.