8 Creating a New Course Listing

NOTE: Before you create a new listing, you must complete a Statement of Work and have it approved by IU Expand.

Create a new course listing

First, navigate to the Listing tab of the IU Expand Catalog Admin interface.


Listing a Course or program screen

To create a new course, click on the “+ Course” in the top right corner of the screen.


Screenshot of the Listings home page with the +Course button circled

You will be prompted to search for the Canvas course you have created.


Screenshot of the 'Add a Course' popup box

Once you find it, select the course and a new Expand course listing page will open.


Screenshot of an example course being selected in the 'Add a Course' popup box

To learn more about updating the course description details, proceed to the next chapter.


IU Expand Catalog Creation Guide Copyright © by IU Expand. All Rights Reserved.

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