About IU Expand

What is IU Expand?

IU Expand is a simple publishing platform that delivers online courses to the IU community and general public. Create an agreement with the University, put your course content into Canvas, create a listing in IU Expand, and publish it to the world. This chapter will give you a quick overview of how to get started with IU Expand so that you can begin publishing your course.

How Does IU Expand Work?

IU Expand courses fulfill a variety of needs such as: program orientation for incoming graduate students, cybersecurity best practices training for employees, and courses on topics that don’t fall into existing degree programs.

Every course in IU Expand is sponsored by an IU academic department or administrative unit. When a department or unit launches a course, a catalog is created for them in IU Expand, wherein they can publish all future courses. They can also package courses together into programs and offer completion certificates or digital badges to successful students.

There is no fee for departments to publish courses in IU Expand. If desired, courses may be offered with an enrollment fee. The revenue from enrollment in these courses is collected by IU Expand and divided 90% to the sponsoring department/unit and 10% to IU Expand to cover administrative costs, including paywall provider fees and the platform software annual maintenance fee.

Advantages of IU Expand

IU Expand has a number of advantages, including the ability to:

  • Provide users with certification or digital badging for course completion
  • Collect revenue for a course
  • Control the audience for a course (can choose to restrict users, offer to the IU community only, or offer to the general public)
  • Access detailed analytics on course completion and student engagement

Examples of Popular Courses in IU Expand

  • Teaching for Student Success: An Evidence-Based Approach
    Teaching for Student Success: An Evidence-Based Approach, 2e is redesigned and updated with new material. It provides a framework for teaching and learning grounded in empirical research. Whether you’re a new instructor or have been teaching for years, teach face-to-face, hybrid, or online, these modules will help you articulate your own teaching philosophy and better serve your students, regardless of discipline.
  • ILEA In-Service Training: De-Escalation
    Every police-citizen encounter is unique based on factors like the officer, the citizen, the environment, the time of day, etc. Thus, this training is focused on general de-escalation tactics and techniques that can be used by all officers. Overall, the training will provide insights into the importance of communication during police-citizen interactions and how to minimize the use of deadly force.
  • Foundations of Interpretation
    Many of us enjoy visits to parks, museums, and historical sites. When we understand the significance of what we are seeing, the experience often takes on new meaning and the place springs to life. All over the world, docents, park guides, and naturalists at museums, parks, zoos, and cultural and historical sites strive to provide meaningful experiences for visitors. Interpretation is the essential tool they use.
  • IU Online Test Drive
    If you are considering IU Online to further your education and jump-start your career, this test drive allows you to explore everything that IU Online has to offer. You can experience what it’s like to be an IU Online student and see what real IU Online courses look like.
  • Leonard Bernstein: The Man, His Music, and His Mission
    An exploration into the extraordinary life of one of the world’s most impactful and iconic artists. Includes rarely-seen videos and invites engaging discussion. By focusing on Bernstein’s significance and legacy, the course brings awareness and clarity to his music and accomplishments as a composer, conductor, pianist, and educator. Importantly, it also focuses on his impact as a humanitarian and social activist.
  • Canvas Studio
    What will you create today? The Canvas Studio is a resource filled with templates, ideas, and pro tips for creating online Canvas courses. It is designed to provide you with a repertoire of thoughtful recommendations, customizable components, and useable examples to get your Canvas course started—or to enhance an existing Canvas course.

Continue reading to learn more about getting started with IU Expand!


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