
28 Evalue Documenting Standards

Evalue is our program’s clinical database, which students use to track attendance, competencies, professional development activities, productivity, and clinic evaluations. The Evalue database contains all hospital and clinic locations as well as all teaching technologists and student contact information.

Students are required to use the Evalue’s tracking system to document their attendance and productivity in the clinic. It is the student’s responsibility to maintain an accurate and daily record of clinical attendance and productivity in the Evalue system.

Important Compliance requirements

  1. Evalue is a legal document. Intentionally falsifying documents can lead to program dismissal. Do not makeup information to put into the database; this is considered falsifying documentation
  2. Intentionally not entering data can lead to grade reductions
  3. Data entered accumulates in the database and in the second year of the program, serves as validation to ARRT & Program requirements; therefore, accuracy is the #1 priority.

Exam Entry requirements

  • Exams are recorded in Evalue under the Case Logs tab
  • 1st year students are required to list exams in which they observe, assist, perform for competency, as well as those performed for productivity
  • 2nd year students are required to list exams in which they perform competency as well as those performed for productivity
  • The performed exams are considered the student’s “productivity” each semester
  • Students must document, in the database (Evalue), the majority of exams performed in the clinic.
  • Database entries (Evalue) must be entered accurately each day the student is in clinic and within 24 hours of performing, assisting, or observing the exam.
  • For each clinical course, students are expected to complete a predetermined number of competency exams, which are found in the clinical course syllabus. The predetermined number of exams is the minimum requirement and additional competencies exams are highly encouraged to demonstrate an appropriate level of productivity.
  • Any student that has not completed two competencies on an exam but has Performed exams entered for productivity, will have those exams removed from the database until a second competency is completed
  • Students must work towards accomplishing two competencies for each exam type. Once two competencies have been performed, the student may do all Performed with the appropriate supervision.
  • The two competencies for each body part must be entered one-by-one with all required information pertaining to that specific exam (i.e.: ASN, kVp, mAs, EI#, and required notes).
  • If obtaining a comp no repeats are allowed for any reason.
  • If attempting a comp, the student must inform the supervising technologist BEFORE starting the exam
  • Competencies performed by the student and signed off by technologists may be deemed unsatisfactory by program faculty or program clinical preceptors. Competencies performed without student markers, or competencies identified during the semester as not meeting the program’s competency criteria may be eliminated from the student’s total verified competencies for the semester.
  • There is no “double-dipping” allowed on procedures. For example, the protocol for a 2-view hip at XYZ hospital is an AP Pelvis and a single lateral hip.  This cannot be counted as a pelvis comp and a hip comp.  A hip comp requires 2 projections.  Instead, the student can do the procedure on a patient and count it as one or the other (pelvis).  Then, the next time the order comes through, they can count it as the other competency (hip).
  • All fluoro and surgery exams must include the fluoro time and procedure name in the notes section
  • Pediatric exams can only be listed as such in Evalue if the patient is 6 or younger (patient’s age must be listed in the notes section)
  • Geriatric exams can only be listed as such if the patient is 65 years or older and must have an impairment that alters the way the student performs the exam. (This information must be recorded in the notes).
  • Trauma exams can only be listed as such when the patient has experienced serious shock or injury to the body and requires modifications in positioning and monitoring of the patient’s condition. (notes section)
  • Many exams require a specific note. (I.e. Upper/Lower extremity exams, anything categorized as an “other” exam, etc).
  • Students rotating to a second facility should start over as if they have nothing entered in the database
  • Observe, assist, and performed exams can be recorded on the same entry and sent to the CP
  • Competencies performed must be entered individually and sent to the supervising tech
  • Skill competencies performed must be entered individually and sent to the supervising tech
  • Skill competencies must be entered one-by-one and submitted with appropriate comments in the note field (i.e.: PAVS full name of student/technologist, BP, P, R, type of transfer movements and device used, type of sterile activity).
  • Competency exams that are recorded in the database but do not include the required data and/or technical factors will be deleted from the database (example: ASN, kVp, mAs, fluoro time, and body part not identified, etc.)
  • All radiographic images must be approved by a technologist before releasing the patient and before sending images to the archive and/or reading room.
  • All required notes must be included for specific exams/ situations when applicable

Types of Evalue Database Errors  

Includes but is not limited to:

  • Tardies
  • Late reporting of procedures or exams
  • Late submission of required clinical documents
  • Time clock errors
  • Clocking in/out from an unauthorized location or device
  • Late documentation of a personal day
  • Failure to follow guidelines for reporting database entries
  • Failure to view and /or verify semester evaluations or skills
  • Failure to follow proper protocol when documenting exams in evalue (i.e. Incorrect notes, Incorrect course, Incorrect competency entry, Incorrect supervisor, Incorrect exam selected etc)

Database Error Violations 

# of Database Errors  Grade Reduction
0-6 No penalty
7-9 -1/3rd letter grade
10-12 -2/3rd letter grade
Over 12 -1 full letter grade

Important Considerations 

  • Students cannot correct errors in the database
  • If an error is found, re-enter the data correctly and send the CP an email to delete Doc ID #xxxx
  • Students finding their own errors will report them to the CP
  • All errors found by the CP and the student will be recorded. Errors are documented per clinical day, not per entry occurrence. 
  • The first six errors, regardless of who finds them, will not count against the student; however, continued errors will receive grade deductions based on the total number of errors


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