
9 Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT)

The Indiana University Radiography Program is accredited by the Joint Review Committee on Educational Programs in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT), establishing Standards for an Accredited Educational Program in Radiography.

The Standards promote academic excellence, patient safety, and quality healthcare.  They require a program to articulate its purposes, demonstrate adequate human, physical, and financial resources effectively organized for the accomplishment of its purposes, document its effectiveness in accomplishing these purposes, and provide assurance it can continue to meet accreditation standards.

Upon completing an accredited program, a graduate can take the national certification examination administered by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT).

Students may contact the JRCERT with complaints or allegations relating to the accreditation of the program.  The JRCERT address is:
Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology
20 N. Wacker Drive, Suite 2850
Chicago, IL

JRCERT  Contact Information
mail@jrcert.org (email)

The JRCERT Standards for an Accredited Program in Radiologic Sciences require that the supervising radiographer provide direct supervision for all repeats, regardless of the level of student achievement. In addition, the following elements apply to all images taken with direct supervision

  • A qualified radiographer reviews the request for the procedure in relation to the student’s achievement
  • A qualified radiographer evaluates the condition of the patient in relation to the student’s knowledge
  • A qualified radiographer is present during the conduct of the procedure
  • A qualified radiographer reviews and approves the procedure
  • A qualified radiographer is present during student performance of any repeat of any unsatisfactory radiograph

The JRCERT Standards for an Accredited Program in Radiologic Sciences define indirect supervision as having a qualified radiographer immediately available to assist the student regardless of the level of student achievement.

“Immediately available” is interpreted as the presence of a qualified radiographer adjacent to the room or location where a radiographic procedure is being performed. (A recent JRCERT interpretation of “adjacent to the room or location” requires that the supervising radiographer be close enough to hear a call for help by the student radiographer.)

The supervising radiographer responsibilities in elements 1, 2, 4, and 5 above still apply for exams performed under indirect supervision by student radiographers.


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Radiography Clinical Handbook 2025-2026 Copyright © 2021 by IU School of Medicine is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.