
37 Jury Duty Policy

The RISP program believes in fulfilling the obligation of jury duty and will support students who are called to serve.

Upon receiving a summons for jury duty, the student must notify the clinical coordinator and clinical preceptor via email of the days of obligation.

Students are required to record the absence following the policy for reporting clinical absences. Jury duty does not count against personal time.  In most cases, jury duty lasts one week or less.  First-year students are given up to two days and second-year students are given up to three days (four days in the summer session) to fulfill their civic obligation.  If more time is needed, the circumstances will be reviewed on an individual basis.

Students must document the required jury duty by electronically submitting a letter from the court stating the dates of their service upon returning to school.  Jury Duty taken on clinic days must be documented in Evalue under the “other” task category with “jury duty” in the notes section.


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