
6 RISP Online Testing Rules

On-line testing is offered as a convenience to students so that tests may be taken on a personal electronic device.

Given this privilege, it is important students recognize that cheating during on-line testing is a violation of the Student Code of Ethics and could result in any of the following penalties: grade deductions, course failure, academic and clinical probation, and/or dismissal from the program.

There is a zero-tolerance policy for cheating in online quizzes and tests. If the test proctor has any suspicion of academic misconduct, the proctor maintains the right to immediately terminate the student’s test and discharge the student from the testing room (if the exam is taken on campus).  The student will receive a zero (0) on that assignment/exam without the opportunity to retake the test.

Academic misconduct is defined as both cheating and/or facilitating cheating.  If a student has knowledge of cheating in the on-line test environment and does not report the cheating, they will be considered complicit in the cheating behavior and eligible for university penalty as well. Most importantly, the program director will not sign a board application for anyone who is caught cheating through Canvas.  Canvas allows an instructor to monitor testing in a variety of ways so it is important to follow the rules listed below.

 Rules for On-Line Testing/ Off-Campus

  • The test will progress one question at a time and there may or may not be an opportunity to revisit questions based upon instructor discretion.
  • You are to take the test independently.
  • You may use any text, study materials, notes while completing the off-campus assignment/test.
  • You may not take the test for someone else or have someone else take a test for you
  • You may not use another student’s electronic device to take a test
  • A student should not use the same computer right after another student who has taken the same test
  • You may not print out the test, study it, and then go back and take the test again.
  • You may not print out the test and give it to other students.
  • You are not to share/discuss test answers with another student in any format during the test.
  • If you experience computer errors you should try to work through them independently and/or refresh the test If the computer error cannot be resolved and hinders all test progress, you should notify UITS for assistance. Should you be unable to complete the test prior to the assigned completion date, the instructor should be notified immediately.
    • The instructor will consider individual circumstances and maintains the right to allow or deny an exam attempt at a later date if necessary.
  • All tests can only be opened one time; you may NOT open a test more than one time unless notified by your instructor to do so.
  • Once you open the test, the Canvas clock begins
  • Many on-line tests have a time limit. Do not open the test until you are ready to take the test
  • Tests may not be printed out OR captured by screenshot for ANY reason
  • Canvas allows faculty to monitor a student’s activity for each course
  • Your instructor will re-verify all testing/grading information at the end of the semester

Rules for On-Line Testing/On Campus/In Classroom Setting

  • On “test only” days, backpacks and all personal belongings and electronics (including laptop cases, cell phones, and all smart devices) must be placed in the student locker and cannot be accessed during the test
  • Any possession of a cell phone or smart device after being seated at student’s assigned test seat will result in the immediate termination of the student’s test and the student will receive a zero (0) on that assignment/exam without the opportunity to retake the test
  • Hats and watches are not allowed to be worn by students during the actual test period.
  • If ancillary technology items (such as a USB mouse) are desired for use during the test by the student, they must first be cleared by the test proctor prior to the start of each exam
  • The students will be allowed water bottles and writing utensils during the test, but only if approved by the course instructor.
  • A blank scrap piece of paper may be distributed for students by the proctor to use during the test. This paper MUST contain the student’s name and be returned to the proctor when the student exits the testing room. Failure to do so will incur academic misconduct penalties
  • Bathroom breaks are not allowed unless a proctor grants permission for a test over two hours
  • Any writing found on a student’s body while testing warrants the immediate termination of the student’s exam and the student will receive a zero (0) on that assignment/exam without the opportunity to retake the exam
  • No movement around the testing room and out of the student’s assigned test seat will be allowed until the student has completed and submitted the exam
  • No talking will be allowed during the test. Any test questions must be directed to the course instructor after the exam via the instructor’s preferred method of communication
  • Students must connect to the IU Secure Wi-Fi in order to complete the assessment in the Clinical Building. Any errors due to connecting through another Wi-Fi service and experiencing connectivity issues will not be grounds for extended test time or opportunity to retake and/or re-enter the test
  • If the personal electronic device the student uses for test-taking has a phone feature (such as an iCloud connection to an iPhone, FaceTime, etc.) the device must have the “do not disturb” function (or similar function) enabled during the test. If a phone call is received on a personal electronic device during the test, the proctor maintains the right to immediately terminate the student’s test and discharge the student from the testing room. The student will receive a zero (0) on that assignment/exam without the opportunity to retake the test
  • All Canvas tests and quizzes will be accessed through the Respondus Lockdown Browser. It is the responsibility of the student to ensure this application is downloaded and functioning on the student’s electronic device prior to the start of the test, with no exceptions. https://kiu.edu/d/betv
  • Computer software updates must be done outside of class. Students with computers shutting down for maintenance/updates will not receive extra time for testing or an opportunity to retake the exam
  • If you experience computer errors you should try to work through them independently and/or refresh the test If the computer error cannot be resolved and hinders all test progress, you are allowed to notify the proctor by raising your hand for assistance. The proctor maintains the right to ask you to shut down your device and attempt the test at a later date if necessary
  • The test will progress one question at a time and there may or may not be an opportunity to revisit questions based upon instructor discretion
  • You are to take the test independently
  • You may not use any text, study materials, notes while taking the test unless instructed by the exam proctor to do so
  • You may not take the test for someone else or have someone else take a test for you
  • You may not use another student’s electronic device to take a test
  • You may not share electronic devices (laptop, calculators, etc.…) when doing in-class testing
  • A student should not use the same computer right after another student who has taken the same exam
  • You may not print out the test, study it, and then go back and take the test
  • You may not print out the test and give it to other students
  • You are not to share or discuss test answers with another student in any format during or after the test, both within or outside of the testing room
  • All tests can only be opened one time, regardless if multiple submissions apply
  • You are NOT permitted to open a test more than one time unless notified by your instructor to do so
  • Once the student has completed the test, they will shut down their electronic device completely. The student will then quietly retrieve their belongings in the testing room and exit silently in order to respect the testing process
  • Tests may not be printed out OR captured by screenshot for ANY reason

PLEASE NOTE:  There are no deadline extensions for last-minute technical difficulties or attendance issues.

Student Code of Conduct and Online Testing Rules

Please refer to the IU “Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct” found at http://studentcode.iu.edu/


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