
RISP Faculty Contact List

If a student or clinical staff person needs to reach a faculty member regarding a student situation, please use the following sequence:

  1. Contact the Clinical Preceptor for that clinical site
  2. If unable to contact the preceptor, contact the Clinical Coordinator or Assistant Clinical Coordinator
  3. If unable to contact the Clinical Coordinators, contact a clinical faculty member
  4. If unable to reach a faculty member, contact the Program Director

Students should refer to the faculty contact list below to obtain updated contact information for each faculty and staff member within the program.

RISP Faculty Contact List.docx revised FA24

Rebecca Stout, RISP Program Director
317-274-5252 (Office, CL 142)
317-702-8537 (Mobile)
Emily Scaggs, AS Faculty / AS Clinical Coordinator
317-274-3814 (Office)
317-919-6966 (Mobile)
Megan Bybee, AS Faculty / AS Assistant Clinical Coordinator
317-274-3804 (Office, CL 140)
317-502-3768 (Mobile)
Brittany Bills, AS Program Faculty
317-274-7431 (Office, CL 138)
317-910-5340 (Mobile)
Debra Patterson, MIT Program Director
317-274-5255 (Office, CL 122)
317-437-7716 (Mobile)
Amanda Cole, MIT Clinical Coordinator
317-274-1889 (Office, 138)
317-691-8414 (Mobile)
Dina Peterson, DS Program Director
317-274-5190 (Office, CL 137)
317-590-3284 (Mobile)
Jamie Miller, DS Clinical Coordinator
317-274-0244 (Office, CL 135)
765-618-8982 (Mobile)
Jamie Gladson, NMT Program Director
(Office, CL 110A)
479-466-6375 (Mobile)
Linda Cox, MIT Faculty
317-274-5188 (Office)
317-366-2648 (Mobile)
Kellie Cranfill, RISP Program Faculty
317-274-3803 (Office)
317-946-9221 (Mobile)
Lisa King, Student Services Coordinator
317-274-3801 (RISP Office, CL 120)
317-982-1032 (Mobile)
radsci@iu.edu or ldking@iu.edu


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