
Active reading: Applying theory to case studies

30+ min.

Guide students in asking meaningful questions at the intersection of theory and practice.

  1. In-person: Give students a case study or situation that somewhat challenges or is more complex than the reading they’ll do as homework. In small groups or as a class, ask students to identify key information that they would need to address the issues in the case study.
  2. Prep: In Canvas, create a graded Discussion by clicking Discussion in the left navigation, followed by + Discussion.
    • Enter the Topic Title [a] and enter the following prompt [b]: “Read Chapter # in your textbook, paying special attention to the concepts that apply to the case study discussed in class. Post two connections and one critique of how the theory falls short.”
    • Select the following Options [c]: Users must post before seeing replies and Graded.
    • Enter the Points Possible*, a Due date, and click the Save & Publish button.

* Consider grading this for completion or the quality of the questions.

  1. In-person: Choose the most significant questions from the discussion, and use these as prompts for small group and/or class discussions about the text and the case.
  2. Homework/feedback: After class, address the remaining comments in the discussion or have students comment on each other’s questions after class.


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