
Engage students with Zoom activities

The following activities assume you have some experience with Zoom. If you’re new to Zoom, see “Get started with Zoom” https://kb.iu.edu/d/aocz.

<5 min.

On a scale of…

  1. PREP: Locate an image of a funny “scale,” and add it to your presentation materials (e.g., PowerPoint).
  2. Open your presentation materials before beginning your Zoom session.
  3. At the beginning of a Zoom class click Share Screen, and select the window with your presentation materials.
  4. Ask students to respond in chat by entering the number of the picture that best represents how they feel. Note trends and ask follow-up questions.

    Download this scale and others at https://go.iu.edu/4M1P

Wait for it (aka Chatterfall)

<10 min.

  1. Pose a question for the class to answer, and display that question on a slide.
  2. Ask students to respond in chat, but without hitting Enter/Return, yet. “Let’s wait a minute for everyone to have a chance to think and type up their responses.”
  3. After a designated time ask all students to press Enter/Return simultaneously.
  4. Give students a few minutes to read through the responses then debrief on trends and/or address specific comments.


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