Engage students with Zoom activities
The following activities assume you have some experience with Zoom. If you’re new to Zoom, see “Get started with Zoom” https://kb.iu.edu/d/aocz.
<5 min.
On a scale of…
- PREP: Locate an image of a funny “scale,” and add it to your presentation materials (e.g., PowerPoint).
- Open your presentation materials before beginning your Zoom session.
- At the beginning of a Zoom class click Share Screen, and select the window with your presentation materials.
- Ask students to respond in chat by entering the number of the picture that best represents how they feel. Note trends and ask follow-up questions.
Download this scale and others at https://go.iu.edu/4M1P
Wait for it (aka Chatterfall)
<10 min.
- Pose a question for the class to answer, and display that question on a slide.
- Ask students to respond in chat, but without hitting Enter/Return, yet. “Let’s wait a minute for everyone to have a chance to think and type up their responses.”
- After a designated time ask all students to press Enter/Return simultaneously.
- Give students a few minutes to read through the responses then debrief on trends and/or address specific comments.