
16 Concentration-Time Relationship of a Chemical Reaction


To determine the rate law and rate constant for a given reaction through measuring its concentration at different times.

Expected Learning Outcomes

  • Convert between units and adapt experimental procedures.
  • Use a Gilson pipette to measure volumes.
  • Determine the concentrations of solutions at different times using spectrophotometric methods.
  • Use graphical methods to determine the rate law and rate constant for a reaction.

Textbook Reference

Tro, Chemistry: Structures and Properties, Ch. 14.5.


Rate Laws and Integrated Rate Laws

In a given reaction

[latex]\ce{A} \to \ce{B}[/latex]

As the reaction proceeds the number of molecules (and hence concentration) of reactants will decrease, while the number of molecules (and hence concentration) of products will increase.

As time evolves, the concentration of NH3 goes down and the concentrations of N2 and H2 go up
Concentration-time graph for the reaction [latex]2\ce{NH3} \to \ce{N2} + 3\ce{H2}[/latex].  Source: OpenStax Chemistry: Atoms First 2e.

In general, the rate of reaction will vary as a function of the concentration of reactants, and hence the rate of reaction (typically) will decrease throughout a reaction.  As you can see from the plot above, as the reaction proceeds and the reactant (NH3) concentration decreases, the slope of the graph decreases in magnitude, reflecting a decrease in the rate.  The dependence of the reaction rate on concentration is given by the rate law, which would be of the form

[latex]\mbox{rate} = k[\ce{A}]^m[\ce{B}]^n \cdots[/latex]

where k is the rate constant and n is the rate order which can be a positive or negative integer or simple fraction.  The rate law should not vary by concentration

For many reactions of the form

[latex]\ce{A}\to \textrm{products}[/latex]

the rate law would be [latex]\textrm{rate} = k[\ce{A}]^n[/latex], where the rate order n would be 0 (zeroth order), 1 (first order) or 2 (second order). For these cases, one can show that the concentration of reactant as a function of time is given by their respective integerated rate laws

zeroth order first order second order
Rate Law [latex]\mbox{rate} = k[\mbox{A}]^0 = k[/latex] [latex]\mbox{rate} = k[\mbox{A}][/latex] [latex]\mbox{rate} = k[\mbox{A}]^2[/latex]
Integrated Rate Law [latex]\displaystyle [\ce{A}]_t = -kt + [\ce{A}]_0[/latex] [latex]\displaystyle \ln [\ce{A}]_t = -kt + \ln [\ce{A}]_0[/latex] [latex]\displaystyle \frac{1}{[\ce{A}]_t} = kt + \frac{1}{[\ce{A}]_0}[/latex]
Plot along y-axis (vs time on x-axis) [latex][\ce{A}]_t[/latex] [latex]\ln [\ce{A}]_t[/latex] [latex]\displaystyle \frac{1}{[\ce{A}]_t}[/latex]
Slope -k (negative -k (negative) +k (positive)

Rate laws may depend on all reactants, catalysts and inhibitors; intermediates are generally not part of it. However, there is a trick we can use to simplify the problem. Assuming that there is no dependence on species other than reactants, If we make all other relevant compounds’ concentrations much higher than the reactant of interest ([latex]\ce{A}[/latex] in the examples here), then the other compounds’ concentrations will not change significantly over the course of the reaction and the concentration terms would form part of the effective rate constant:


Supposing we have a reaction of crystal violet (CV+) with hydroxide

[latex]\ce{CV+}+\ce{OH-}\to \ce{CV(OH)}[/latex]

In the previous version of this experiment, our initial concentration of crystal violet was 10-5 M and the initial concentration of OH was 0.005 M – 500 times greater than that of crystal violet.  So, even after all the crystal violet is used up, the concentration of hydroxide ions would be [latex]0.005\textrm{ M} - 10^{-5} \textrm{ M} \approx 0.005\textrm{ M}[/latex] – it would not change.  Therefore, considering the reaction over the course of time with the rate law, where in the second step we simply specify that the hydroxide concentration is the initial concentration (at t=0)

[latex]\textrm{rate} = k[\ce{OH}^-]^m [\ce{CV+}]^n \approx \underbrace{k[\ce{OH}^-]_{t=0}^m}_{k_{\textrm{eff}}} [\ce{CV+}]^n[/latex]

and we recover a rate law of the form [latex]\textrm{rate} = k[\ce{CV+}]^n[/latex].  However, in this case, the effective rate constant [latex]k_{\textrm{eff}} = k[\ce{OH-}]_{t=0}^m[/latex] would include the concentration term for OH, and would depend on the initial concentration of OH.

Therefore, by plotting relevant plots and determining which of these will give the best straight line plot as shown in the table, you can determine the rate order with respect to the limiting reagent.  By comparing the effective rate constants, we will be able to determine the rate order with respect to the excess reagent just like we did with the method of initial rates.[1]

The Reaction Being Studied

chemical structure of allura red with azide group in middle.
The chemical structure of allura red. In the presence of hypochlorite the N=N double bond would break, making the compound colorless.

In this experiment, we are studying the reaction of allura red (FD&C 40 red food coloring dye) with sodium hypochlorite (bleach).

[latex]\textrm{allura red} + \ce{NaClO} \to \textrm{products}[/latex]

This reaction will destroy the chromophore in allura red and hence we can study this reaction by measuring the absorbance over the course of the reaction.

As you may recall from the experiment Absorption Spectrum of Allura Red last semester, according to Beer’s Law, the absorbance of a solution A is related to its concentration c by Beer’s Law

[latex]A = \varepsilon bc[/latex]

where [latex]\varepsilon[/latex] is the molar absorption coefficient[2] (in M-1 cm-1, which depends on the compound absorbing light and the wavelength) and b (in cm) is the pathlength (or the thickness of the sample; in a standard cuvette this is 1 cm).

In CHEM-C 125, you determined the wavelength at which allura red absorbs the most and the molar absorption coefficient.[3]  In this experiment, you will measure the absorbance of the reacting mixture as a function of time.  You will be able to substitute this back into Beer’s Law to find the concentration at each time.

In general, the rate law for this reaction will be

[latex]\mbox{rate} = k[\ce{OCl-}]^m[\textrm{allura red}]^n[/latex]

where m and n are the rate orders with respect to hypochlorite and allura red respectively. In this reaction, as the concentration of sodium hypochlorite is much higher than that of allura red, as mentioned above the concentration-time relationship will relate only to the concentration of allura red.  Therefore, for an initial concentration of hypochlorite of [latex][\ce{OCl-}]_0[/latex], the observed rate law would be

[latex]\textrm{rate} = k_{\textrm{eff}} [\mbox{allura red}]^n[/latex]

where [latex]k_{\textrm{eff}} = k[\ce{OCl-}]_0[/latex].

We therefore expect the different trials to follow zeroth, first, or second order kinetics with respect to the concentration of allura red. However, the rate constants may be different. As a result, by comparing the values of [latex]k_{\mbox{obs}}[/latex] for different trials, you can determine the complete rate law and the rate constant for this reaction.


  • You will perform this experiment in pairs.
  • The key to the experimental part of this experiment is coordination and precise timing. To do this, typically one partner will be responsible for timing, while the other partner will be responsible for mixing and measurement. The data will need to be saved and shared afterwards.  However, it is your responsibility to enter into your notebook what each run corresponds with.
  • You will need to refer to Using Laboratory Equipment for information on using the Vernier SpectroVis Plus and Gilson pipettes.
  • Cuvettes need to be filled so that the part of the cuvette facing the light path does not have a liquid-air interface. Generally filling the cuvette 3/4 full would be sufficient.
  • The same shaped cuvettes must be used throughout the experiment. Be sure that the cuvette windows are clean (avoid fingerprints on the clear surfaces and wipe them off if they are there) and that there are no air bubbles in the cuvette.
  • Be sure to re-calibrate the SpectroVis Plus regularly.

Preparing the Stock Solution of Sodium Hypochlorite

You will be provided with a 6% by mass aqueous solution of sodium hypochlorite.[4]. From this, you will prepare 10 mL of a 250 mM sodium hypochlorite solution.  You will have a 1000 μL Gilson pipette and the graduated cylinders in your drawer.


You may want to attempt these before class.

  1. Calculate, based on what you have learnt about concentration units in CHEM-C 106, find the molarity of ClO in the 6% by mass solution.  The density of the solution is 1.11 g/cm3
  2. Hence, determine how best to make this solution.  You will need to do a dilution calculation to figure out the volume of 6% by mass sodium hypochlorite solution needed.

Lab Work

  1. Prepare the 250 mM sodium hypochlorite solution as described.  Be sure to document all steps taken to make this solution; you will be required to write this procedure up similar to how you would write up a formal report.

Preparing the SpectroVis Plus

To make it easier to complete this experiment, you will use small test tubes in place of plastic cuvettes.
  1. From your laboratory notebook, find the absorption wavelength used and molar absorption coefficient found for allura red in the Absorption Spectrum of Allura Red experiment.  You will need this to analyze the data for this experiment.
  2. Prepare a 25 mM solution of sodium hypochlorite in a small test tube by dispensing appropriate volumes of the stock sodium hypochlorite solution and deionized water.  This will be the blank solution.  Place this cuvette in the SpectroVis Plus.
  3. On your device, launch Vernier Spectral Analysis. Following the directions provided in the Appendix, begin an absorbance vs time (kinetics) experiment, using the blank cuvette prepared above to calibrate the SpectroVis plus.
  4. Enter the wavelength you previously used for creating the Beer’s Law plot of allura red.

Obtaining Kinetics Data

For this experiment, you will study the kinetics with the following mixtures.  You will mix the solutions in a test tube and then dispense an aliquot to measure in the SpectroVis Plus.

Solution Mixtures Used for Kinetics Experiment
Condition 1 Condition 2
volume of NaClO solution (you prepared) 500 μL 250 μL
volume of allura red (concentration marked on bottle, labeled) 4.5 mL 4.5 mL
volume of deionized water none 250 μL

You will repeat each set of conditions at least two times.  For each set of conditions:

  1. Measure out the deionized water and allura red required for the reaction in a small test tube.[5] Place the small test tube in the SpectroVis plus.  Be sure to record the concentration of allura red from the bottle.
  2. Measure out the sodium hypochlorite solution you prepared in a Gilson pipet.
The following steps must be done in a very coordinated manner with the timing done precisely. Coordination between the two partners is critical and the next steps should be done as quickly as possible.
  1. Add the sodium hypochlorite solution into the test tube.  At that instant, click or tap “Collect” on the computer/device and mix the solution by pipetting the liquid up and down.
    • Try and not have the pipet reach near the bottom where the light beam passes).
  2. Collect the data for two minutes.
  3. Export the data as a CSV file (which can be read in Microsoft Excel or any other spreadsheet program).
    • Be sure that you use a descriptive file name for your data, and that both lab partners have access to copies of the data (e.g. email a copy to your lab partner).

At the end of this experiment, you should have results from four trials: two for each of the conditions listed above.

Waste Disposal

Dispose of all of the waste from this experiment down the drain with plenty of water.

Data Analysis

The data analysis for this experiment is rather complex. This is why there is a dedicated laboratory period for conducting the data analysis.

If you have any questions about this, please be sure to consult your instructor[6] and/or a mentor in the Math/Science Resource Center (WZ 280) for help.

It is expected that you will use Microsoft Excel to complete the data analysis.  At the end of your write up, you will be required to upload your Excel file as part of your short report for this experiment.

For each timepoint, by rearranging Beer’s Law, we can show that the remaining concentration of allura red at time t is

[\mbox{allura red}]_t = \frac{A_t}{\varepsilon b}

and given the absorbance at a given time t, path length (1 cm), and the molar absorptivity you found previously, you can find the molarity of allura red at any given time.  From this, calculate ln[allura red] and 1/[allura red] as well.

Make the following plots:[7]

  • Zeroth-order plot: [allura red] vs time
  • First-order plot: ln[allura red] vs time
  • Second-order plot: 1/[allura red] vs time

Plot all solutions on the same axes (so there would be three graphs).  Your zeroth order graph should look something like this:

Plot of [Cr3+] vs time - four data series, one for each solution, with best fit curves (downwards).
A sample zeroth-order plot. Credit: Dr. Robert Zellmer, The Ohio State University

To do this, start by plotting the data series for one trial.  Then, for the other solutions, go to Chart Design – Select Data and add additional data series – one for each trial.  For each trial, the effective rate constant [latex]k_{\textrm{eff}}[/latex] would be the absolute value of the slope of that plot.  Average the trials for each condition to find [latex]k_{\textrm{eff}}[/latex] for that given condition.

As mentioned above, in this experiment, the slope is equal to [latex]k_{\textrm{eff}} = k [\ce{OCl-}]^m[/latex], and therefore if the rate order with respect to [OCl] is not zero then the k values would be different.  Compare the k values to determine the rate order with respect to [OCl] using the method of initial states.  Remember that [OCl] under condition 1 is twice that under condition 2.

Based on the slope values and the concentrations of [OCl], determine the actual rate constant k based on the average result of all four trials.

  1. See Tro, Chemistry: Structures and Properties, 2nd Ed, Ch. 14.4.
  2. or molar extinction coefficient or molar absorptivity; all of these terms are synonyms.
  3. If you took CHEM-C 125 at another campus or otherwise do not have this data, please get the information from your lab partner or someone else.
  4. In other words, Meijer brand concentrated bleach or similar.
  5. It is sufficient to measure the volume of allura red using a graduated cylinder.
  6. Any CHEM-C 106 or CHEM-C 126 instructor should be able to assist.
  7. In each case, the units of time can be either minutes or seconds; the choice of units doesn't fundamentally affect the chemistry; however, it affects the units for the rate constant (the time unit should be the same as that on the graph).