21 Limits and Continuity
We already mentioned limits and continuity of functions in Part I: Chapter 1. Instead of reiterating what was already discussed, we will introduce some new ideas, going deeper into limits and continuity. When we discussed limits before, we never actually gave a formal definition. So, we will start by defining limits using the following definition given by Abbott [1].

Let’s now go through an example of how to use this definition. This example is a homework problem that I completed for Introduction to Analysis [6].
Show that

Let .
Let . So,
Therefore, .
When finding limits, we can combine our approaches from Calculus and Analysis. Calculus allows us to find a good candidate for the limit by doing what we did in Part I: Chapter 1. Analysis then allows us to prove that this candidate is in fact the limit by using definition IV.20 as just shown above. Now, we will explore continuity from an analysis perspective, looking at the Intermediate Value Theorem and uniform continuity.
Intermediate Value Theorem
We will start by presenting this theorem as it is given by Abbott [1].
Theorem IV.21 (Intermediate Value Theorem)
![Rendered by QuickLaTeX.com f:[a,b]\rightarrow\mathbb{R}](https://iu.pressbooks.pub/app/uploads/quicklatex/quicklatex.com-31465061b817a58f79fd57c364eadfe8_l3.png)

Let’s consider the image from Abbott above as we discuss what this theorem is saying. We have a continuous function whose domain is the closed interval
. So the graph of this function will have two endpoints,
. There is also a real number
. Now picture a horizontal line at
. Regardless of what continuous function we draw to connect the two endpoints, it will intersect the horizontal line at some point, and we can label this point as
. Therefore, there exists a point
in the interval
Let’s now look at an example of how this theorem can be used. The following problem is from Abbott and is a proof I completed as homework for Introduction to Analysis [1].
Show that it is impossible to have a continuous function defined on all of

Consider a continuous function defined on all of
with a range equal to
. That is,
is continuous. Because
is continuous on every point in
is continuous on every point in a closed interval
is continuous. By Corollary IV.4.1 in chapter 19, there exists
By the Intermediate Value Theorem, there exists such that
This contradicts the range being equal to since
. Thus,
is not continuous which implies
is not continuous. Therefore, it is impossible to have a continuous function defined on all of
with range equal to
So, this is the Intermediate Value Theorem (IVT). It is an example of an idea that seems so clear and obvious that mathematicians used it for years without a formal proof of its being true [1]. There does exist a proof for it now, but we will not cover it here. Instead, let’s move on to uniform continuity.
Uniform Continuity
We already introduced a definition for continuity of a function in Part I: Chapter 1, but now we will look at another definition for continuity of a function provided by Abbott [1].
A function

From the Calculus perspective, we said that a function was continuous at
given that the limit exists and is defined. So, if
is continuous at
and the limit equals
, then
Then, we can substitute for
in definition IV.20, and we get the definition of continuity given above with a couple of differences.
First, we do not state that is a limit point in the continuity definition. This is because the limit at
would not exist if
were not a limit point. Since we are substituting
in for
, it is given that the limit exists so it would be redundant to restate that
must be a limit point.
Second, in the limit definition, it is stated that
whereas the continuity definition says that
The difference is that the limit definition defines as not equal to
. The reason is that the limit can still exist at
even if the function is not defined at
. So, if we let
happens to be undefined,
would not make sense. However, if a function is continuous at , it follows that
is defined. So, we do not have to restrict
to not being equal to
Thus, using definition IV.20 along with the definition of continuity from Calculus, we arrive at the definition of continuity given above.
Uniform continuity is similar but a bit stricter than continuity. The definition of uniform continuity is given by Abbott as follows [1].
A function

The definitions of continuity and uniform continuity look very similar which makes it difficult to understand the difference between the two. As mentioned before, uniform continuity is a stricter form of continuity so a function can be continuous without being uniformly continuous. But if a function is uniformly continuous, it follows that the function is continuous.
A function is continuous if it is continuous at every point in its domain. So for a fixed
can take on different values depending on
, and the function will still be continuous. The difference is that for a function to be uniformly continuous there must exist a single
for a fixed
for all
in the domain [1].
We also have a theorem that helps with showing that a function is not uniformly continuous. What we use to disprove uniform continuity is the Sequential Criterion for Absence of Uniform Continuity. Abbott states it as follows [1].
Theorem IV.24 (Sequential Criterion for Absence of Uniform Continuity)

If we can find two sequences, and
, in the domain of a function
such that the sequence
converges to 0 and the sequence
is bounded below by a positive number, then
is not uniformly continuous.
Let’s now look at an example that demonstrates how to prove a function is not uniformly continuous. This is a homework problem I completed for Introduction to Analysis that comes from Abbott [1].
Show that the continuous function

Let with domain
. Let
then Additionally,
. By Theorem IV.24,
is not uniformly continuous on
Next, we will look at an example of how to show that a function is uniformly continuous. This example is a homework problem I completed for Introduction to Analysis that comes from Abbott [1].
Show that

Consider the bounded subset of
, where
Let and
. If
, then
for all . Therefore,
is uniformly continuous on any bounded subset of