31 Row and Column Spaces
For every matrix ,
has row vectors and column vectors. Each row of a matrix is a row vector of that matrix. Similarly, each column is a column vector of that matrix. Using these vectors, we can find a basis for the row space and column space of
. Let’s look at the definition for row spaces and column spaces as given by Larson and Falvo [16].

- The row space of
is the subspace of
spanned by the row vectors of
- The column space of
is the subspace of
spanned by the column vectors of
Because the row vectors of a matrix span the row space of
, we can find the basis of the row space by removing any row vectors that can be written as a linear combination of the other row vectors. Similarly, the column vectors of
span the column space of
. So, we can find the basis of the column space by removing any column vectors that can be written as a linear combination of the other column vectors.
Before demonstrating these ideas with an example, it is helpful to have the following theorem from Larson and Falvo to make our work easier [16].
Theorem VI.11 (Basis for the Row Space of a Matrix)

Now, let’s work through an example that I completed for Elementary Linear Algebra that comes from Larson and Falvo [16].
Find a basis for the row space and a basis for the column space of the matrix
To find a basis for the row space, we first need to convert our matrix into row-echelon form using elementary row operations.
Therefore, by Theorem VI.11, a basis for the row space is
To find a basis for the column space, the method is the same but with one added step. We must first find the transpose of our matrix [16].
The transpose of an matrix
is denoted as
. Furthermore, the
th row of
is equal to the
th column of
, and the
th column of
is equal to the
th row of
for all
So, the transpose of our matrix is
Converting to row-echelon form gives us
By Theorem VI.11, a basis for the row space of the transpose of our matrix is
Because the rows of the transpose of our matrix are equal to the columns of our original matrix, the row space of the transpose of our matrix is equal to the column space of our original matrix. Therefore, a basis for the column space of our original matrix is the set of column vectors
So, we have seen row and column spaces and how to find a basis for each. Now, we will look at another type of space, the null space, and how to find a basis for this space.