Wrapping up the Semester

Submit your grades

While there is more than one way to submit final grades, if you have been keeping your grades in Canvas during the semester, the easiest way to do it is to upload them to the Student Information System from Canvas. If you have not kept grades in Canvas, you may want to see the KB docs “Use the Faculty Center to enter grades into your class roster” or “Submit final grades in Canvas via a file upload” instead.

Once you have confirmed that your grades are correct, complete, and posted in Canvas, you are ready to submit them to the Registrar’s Office via the Student Information System (SIS).

To do this, go to the Canvas Grades tool, click on the dropdown arrow next to “IU Grading Tools” at the top right, and select “SIS Grade Roster.” Your SIS Grade Roster should appear in a pop-up window. If you don’t see it, you may need to allow Canvas to show pop-ups. See instructions for your specific browser provided by Syracuse University if you need assistance.

To complete the process in SIS, see “Load final grades to the SIS Grade Roster” in the IU KB.

If you have questions, please contact your campus teaching and learning center or your campus IT Support Center.

Important Information about Final Grades and SIS

Grades must be entered into SIS so that the Registrar’s Office can place them on the students’ transcripts. If you do not put your grades in SIS, students will not have an official final grade for the class and instead, have a grade of NR indicating that grades were not received from the instructor. Not completing that final step of uploading grades to SIS can mean that students may not be

  • able to receive financial aid
  • awarded their degree
  • allowed to return for the next semester
  • allowed to compete in intercollegiate athletics

Please make sure you know when your final grades are due by looking at the official semester calendar for your campus (IU Indianapolis, IUB, IUN, IUS, IUSB, IUK, IUE) and get them into SIS before that deadline!



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